
Iberian Goose from Dehesa is an ecological and unique product under the Indecco brand. Iberian Goose seeks to close the value chain and go from the breeding of birds to the commercialization of products derived from the goose. The objective is to generate alternatives through rural and local development. The company intends to make compatible the new initiatives to take advantage of natural resources with the conservation of the environment, the promotion of biodiversity and the enhancement of ... natural and cultural heritage. Iberian Goose is the only exploitation of pasture-raised goose: the only one in the world. That is the added value, which nobody does in the same habitat as them: the Iberian Peninsula, is the only place in the world where there are holm oaks and cork oaks. In countries such as France, Germany or Denmark the consumption of this animal is very common; Although in Spain it is lower, an outreach campaign is essential for people to know about products such as Iberian Goose. The most important thing for these products to have a high quality is that the animal is not stressed and the quality of the fruits of the pasture. In other productions the geese are subdued, while in those of the Iberian Goose the animals behave spontaneously.

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Collado-villalba, Madrid, Spain



Current Employees Featured


Juan Carlos Verona
Juan Carlos Verona CEO @ Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa

More informations about "Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa"

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa - Contacts, Employees, Board

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa generates alternatives through rural and local development.See details»

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa - El Referente

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa es un producto ecológico y único bajo la marca Indecco. Ganso Ibérico busca cerrar la cadena de valor e ir desde la cría de aves hasta la comercialización de los …See details»

Ganso ibérico con sabor a dehesa -

La vida en la dehesa El Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa es un proyecto tradicional y artesanal en extensivo que trabaja lotes de 2.000 gansos. Cada año aumentan un poco la cabaña, y este …See details»

En la dehesa, como un ganso ibérico - Diario de Sevilla

5.000 de estas aves se crían de manera ecológica en Constantina Viven en libertad y se alimentan de bellotas Producen desde huevos a magret curado. common.go-to-content.See details»

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa - Crunchbase

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa generates alternatives through rural and local development.See details»

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa - YouTube

GANSO IBÉRICO DE DEHESA: UNA ALTERNATIVA GANADERA NATURAL Y ECOLÓGICAGanso Ibérico de Dehesa se presenta como un proyecto alternativo de …See details»

Selecciones Avicolas - Ganso ibérico con sabor a dehesa

La vida en la dehesa. El Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa es un proyecto tradicional y artesanal en extensivo que trabaja lotes de 2.000 gansos. Cada año aumentan un poco la cabaña, y este año producirán unos 9.000, con expectativas de …See details»

El huevo de ganso, un caso único - Avicultura

Jul 15, 2021 ¿Recuerdan nuestros lectores el reportaje publicado en estas mismas páginas sobre “El ganso ibérico con sabor a dehesa«?. Pues bien, ahora traemos al mismo lugar una segunda parte sobre el ganso, pero referido al …See details»

Carcass and Meat Quality Traits in an Embden×Toulouse Goose …

Oct 14, 2015 This free-range management system with feeding in the organic dehesa gives the meat those unique, ... All the animals were supplied by the companies Inddeco S.L. and …See details»

Ganso ibérico con sabor a dehesa - Avicultura

Jul 22, 2019 La vida en la dehesa. El Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa es un proyecto tradicional y artesanal en extensivo que trabaja lotes de 2.000 gansos. Cada año aumentan un poco la cabaña, y este año producirán unos 9.000, con …See details»

Andalucía Directo visita la explotación de Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa …

El programa Andalucía Directo de Canal Sur visita las instalaciones de ganso Ibérico de Dehesa en Constantina, Sevilla. Además de conocer en directo a nuestr...See details»

Discovering the origin of Ibérico ham: the Dehesa| Foods and …

Jan 6, 2020 A Special Breed: Ibérico pigs. ... The capital of the dehesas region is Jerez de los Caballeros, in the south of the province of Badajoz, but our route begins 25 km / 15.5 miles …See details»

Spanish Ibérico Ham I. The Dehesa: A Unique Ecosystem

Apr 8, 2013 Take a walk through the natural environment where the Ibérico pig is raised. Do you want to find out more about Spanish food and cuisine? Have a look at www...See details»

Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks

Organization. Ganso Ibérico de Dehesa . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. Highlights. Active Tech Count 4. ... Ganso …See details»

Dehesa Maladúa - Organic Pata Negra & Iberian Ham Excellence

Eduardo Donato, the visionary founder of Dehesa Maladúa, has dedicated his life to preserving the endangered “Manchado de Jabugo” breed and pioneering organic farming methods. Since …See details»

Black Iberian pig - Wikipedia

The ham known as Jamón Ibérico in Spain and Presunto de Porco Preto in Portugal, is an Iberian (Spanish/Portuguese) delicacy made from the acorn-fed black Iberian pig. At least a hectare of …See details»

Agroforestry in the Spanish Dehesa - ArcGIS StoryMaps

Oct 20, 2022 Today, the Dehesa exists as the remnant natural forest in southern Spain - the last defence against the encroaching desert. The Deseha is an agroforestry system maintained …See details»

Dehesas de Extremadura for the raising of the Iberian pig

Señorio de Montanera includes more than 60,000 hectares of dehesa, which serve as a natural setting for the rearing of pure Iberian pigs, who yield the very best Spanish Iberico ham, with a …See details»

The Dehesa | FISAN

That our pigs can fully enjoy the dehesa’s resources is the pillar which our gourmet Ibérico product preparation is based on. During the montanera, the most important fattening period, …See details»