GoldZip is a financial service company that makes gold investment simple. It also combines the transparency and stability of Digital Gold with blockchain technology overseen by CGSE. The company represents the perfect alternative to a direct purchase of gold bullion. GoldZip was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
Blockchain Financial Services
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
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More informations about "GoldZip"
GoldZip - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
GoldZip is a financial service company that makes gold investment simple. It also combines the transparency and stability of Digital Gold with blockchain technology overseen by CGSE. The …See details»
GoldZip | GoldZip (XGZ) the first gold backed digital …
GoldZip (XGZ) is the first gold backed digital token issue by the subsidiary of Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange. The Exchange was established in 1910 and is the sole exchange in Hong Kong which trades physical gold and silver. The …See details»
Announcement on the Launch of GoldZip on APPMC
Jun 17, 2022 After working with CGSE on the new venture over the past year, on 6 June, 2022, Mr Brian Fung, CEO of Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange, and Mr YK Goh, CEO of V Systems …See details»
Goldzip - LinkedIn
Goldzip | 82 followers on LinkedIn. New experience of gold delivery way. The first regulated token by CGSE. | Goldzip token is the regulated smart contract. The ticket symbol is Gz, it is to entry the Goldzip ecosystem to execute delivery …See details»
Digital gold GoldZip (XGZ) is a digital token issued by the Hong Kong Century-old Gold and Silver Exchange (CGSE). It allows users to buy and sell gold in digital form, with each GoldZip …See details»
Goldzip launches in Hong Kong with US$300 million …
May 12, 2019 Goldzip tokens will be matched against physical gold, backed by an audited reserve of US$300 million worth of the precious metal. ... Hong Kong’s local gold exchange will back its new platform ...See details»
貴金屬行業、金融科技創新應用論壇 本場推出新產品 數碼黃金 …
及一眾理監事參與數碼黃金GoldZip啟動儀式。 金銀業貿易場理事長張德熙博士表示,旗下數碼黃金平台「GoldZip」開始接受 貿易場行員登記並將實物黃金存入倉庫,目前已有十名行員登 …See details»
GoldZip行員參與流程講解會 | 金銀業貿易場 Chinese Gold and …
GoldZip行員參與流程講解會. 2020年1月21日(星期二) 時 間. 下午5時30分至6時30分 (5時開始登記入場) 地 點. 金銀業貿易場交易大堂. 持續進修時數. 核心1小時 (只限金銀業貿易場認可持續進 …See details»
Gold Zip by 金銀業貿易場, The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange …
Oct 26, 2021 The GoldZIP is inspired by 110-year-old Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange, the sole precious metal exchange recognized by Hong Kong governmentSee details»
Hong Kong launches new micro gold trading platform …
Feb 8, 2019 Hong Kong’s local gold exchange will introduce in March a new trading platform called GoldZip which will allow investors to trade in units as small as a single gram for HK$300 (US$38), in an ...See details»
Hong Kong launches new micro-gold trading platform GoldZip
By Enoch Yu South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Friday, February 8, 2019. Hong Kong's local gold exchange will introduce in March a new trading platform called GoldZip which will allow …See details»
Belt and Road in Hong Kong: the Emergence of Digital Gold in IoT
Oct 9, 2019 Belt and Road Quota Limited (BNRQ), based in Hong Kong, is a company that has been promoting ‘Goldzip’—a gold standard barter trade tool that utilizes blockchain …See details»
【獨家專訪】張德熙:數碼黃金下月出籠 - on.cc東網
Jan 16, 2020 黃金價格近期勁升,金銀業貿易場乘勢出擊,該機構理事長張德熙接受獨家專訪時透露,將於2月中之前推出實物黃金投資產品數碼黃金(GoldZip)。產品針對散戶,最低投資門 …See details»
Gold Zip on the App Store
The GoldZIP is inspired by 110-year-old Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange, the sole precious metal exchange recognized by Hong Kong government. GoldZIP is smartly digitalized by advance …See details»
GOLDZIP IS GOLD.. Goldzip News: | by Calvin Ng - Medium
Jan 15, 2021 GOLDZIP IS GOLD. GOLDZIP had an incredible 23 months. It’s been a crazy project for me and my team in Hong Kong. It’s been challenging launching a gold backed …See details»
金銀業貿易場4月推數碼黃金 可手機APP買賣 入場費低至320元
Mar 4, 2019 金銀業貿易場計劃於4月推出新的黃金投資產品──「數碼黃金」(GoldZip),買賣單位可低至1克,以現時金價計算,入場費約300至320元,可一對一兌換實物黃金,亦支持24 …See details»
金銀貿易場數碼黃金390元入場 | 金銀業貿易場 Chinese Gold and …
金銀業貿易場本月將推出實物黃金投資產品數碼黃金(GoldZip),目標客群主要是散戶,買賣單位可低至1克黃金,每手入場費390元起,目標今年底產品成交量達10噸。隨着金價上升,相 …See details»
取經區塊鏈 張德熙搞數碼黃金終圓夢! - on.cc東網
May 14, 2019 依家咩都講創新,就連買金都新潮過人。話說金銀業貿易場好快就會推出數碼黃金平台「GoldZip」,只需要透過手機同電腦即可實現二十四小時買賣黃金。唔單止咁,GoldZip …See details»
Goldzip is by the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange who
Goldzip is by the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange who continuously using blockchain tech to innovate in HK financial industry. Together with Goldzip, this time we make it one step forward …See details»
香港金銀業貿易場推數碼黃金 全球範圍內可實金交易 – Timetocoin …
May 8, 2019 席間,香港金銀業貿易場理事長張德熙博士進行發言,宣佈推出區塊鏈數碼黃金交易平台GoldZip。 該平台亮點在於,用戶可於全球範圍內使用實體黃金交易數碼黃金,GoldZip …See details»