CANTENE is a Torino Politecnico - Energy Department spin off. Cantene a performance based approach using numerical and simulation analyses to solve engineering problems. Cantene is expert in Fire Engineering in particular for what concerns the ventilation design in underground spaces: Metro, Tunnels.
Cantene through 1D and CFD model supports General Contractors, Engineering Companies performing thermo fluid dynamic analyses identifying optimized solutions.
Starting from 2011, Cantene is Italy distributor of Thunderhead Engineering SW solutions. Thunderhead technicians had developed a suite for the Fire Engineering: Pyrosim™ the pre e post processing SW that allows to interface FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) the CFD code developed by NIST and validated from Worldwide Fire Engineering community, and Pathfinder™ the Agent Based Evacuation Simulator.
Cantene is also Italy distributor of Climacheck™, the system for the monitoring and diagnosis of refrigeration and conditioning plants.
Copyright © 2014 CANTENE - P.IVA 09645800013
a Science Based Company
Cantene is partner of Gala Engineering and Crew for the CFD analysis in Metro Riyadh projects
Cantene is concluding the first phase of Tunnel Ventilation Design in Metro Copenaghen: Line 3,4
FDS 6.0 is available. Contact us for further information about new features