For the last 24 years Pastor Dave and Susie Edler have been faithfully leading Yakima Foursquare Church. In that time, YFC has grown and multiplied through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Under Dave’s leadership, Yakima Foursquare Church pioneered what we now refer to as our Network of Churches. With four churches, Yakima Celebrate Recovery, an online presence, and several church partnerships, Dave has led strategically with an outward focus.
About five and a half years ago, a slow and intentional process began, training Jacob and Chantal Edler up as future leaders in the church. During those years, it became evident that God was calling Jacob and Chantal into a new season of assuming senior leadership of Yakima Foursquare Church when that time came. In 2016 Jacob became the Associate Pastor. A year later he moved into a Lead Pastor role to help fill the void left as Dave began to receive opportunities to lead within the Foursquare movement at International and District levels. Dave currently helps oversee over 200 Foursquare churches in surrounding states as well as carrying other leadership roles inside the Foursquare movement. Chantal joined Jacob in the role of Lead Pastor as an answer to the call God has given them to lead together.
We are happy to announce that on April 14th, 2019, Jacob & Chantal were officially installed as the lead pastors at Yakima Foursquare Church. Click here to watch the whole sermon and installation.
Dave will continue in his role as the Senior Pastor over the Network of Churches providing care, leadership, and support for Jacob and Chantal and the other Network church pastors.
We are hopeful and excited for what the future holds in Yakima and the greater region!