About Us

durham-BullOUR MISSION is to provide choices and opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to live, learn, and grow in the Durham community by offering a comprehensive range of safe, comfortable living options, supports, and services in which individuals can imagine and achieve their full potential.


This is something we all have in common. Residents of community residential programs and services take pride in an array of accomplishments that many of us might take for granted.

  • That first trip on their own to the corner store for a soft drink
  • Starting a personal savings and checking account at one of the local banks
  • Picking out new clothes on a trip to the mall
  • Riding the city bus to and from work by themselves
  • Receiving a pay check for a job well done and yes, even paying taxes to our friend Uncle Sam!


Vocation for most persons plays a major role in daily living. Residents of our Community Living Programs take part in regular employment or day programs. Most of them are employed at Durham Exchange Club Industries. Here they receive vocational training and learn the very important routines of full time work. Other residents have been able to find competitive employment and have made dedicated and responsible employees where they are working.


These services are available to the residents through various agencies in the Durham community. When required, services are authorized through the Durham Center. Our residents choose their own private case management agency, physician, and dentist. They each have opportunity to go to the church of their choice. They attend civic and community events and many have registered to vote.


These activities are something all persons enjoy. Residents of our community residential settings have many opportunities to enjoy normal and various age appropriate leisure activities. They attend movies, sporting events, nightclubs, dances and many other activities. They enjoy camping, swimming, fishing, and especially our vacation trips to places like the beach, the mountains, Disney World, Williamsburg, Washington DC and many other fun places.


Many residents have successfully made the transition from the institutional setting or living at home with family to our Community Living Programs. Their experiences at the Group Home and Apartment Programs, and especially their involvement in the mainstream of society, has helped prepare them for a richer, more normal and independent life. It is exciting to think that all persons, regardless of limitations, have the inherent right to strive to fulfill their potential as human beings. Just as abilities of people in the general public vary, so do those of the people with disabilities. All persons with a disability should be encouraged to lead a richer and more dignified life, regardless of the degree of their disability. People achieve this goal by being accepted in the mainstream of community life as a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, and as a consumer. We encourage and hope that acceptance and opportunities are offered with dignity and understanding.

Download our referral form here


Program Managers live in the home with the residents and provide guidance in the areas of grooming, hygiene, budgeting, housekeeping, socialization and much, much more. The residents are encouraged to participate in leisure activities and to make use of community resources to the extent that each individual is able. Individualized goal plans (Person Centered Plans) are determined according to the needs and capabilities of the resident and the residents share in the selection of their own goals.


DCCLP’s apartment living program began as a pilot project for the Department of Human Resources of North Carolina. It was felt that many current group home residents and other persons living in the community or institutions might be able to live in a less supervised environment than the traditional group home program. Support is provided as needed through Personal Assistance services. The Apartment and Independent Living Program allow the resident an opportunity to be one step closer to a more independent living environment.


DCCLP is providing a unique approach to residential care. We have individuals with multiple needs who are being served by staff one-to-one in their private homes or in our group home programs.


DCCLP’s supported apartments became available as part of a joint venture between the ARC of NC, DCCLP, and the NC Housing Finance Agency. DCCLP is the local management agency of the two-bedroom condos in the Durham community, which are a safe and affordable alternative in the Durham market.