Torqbar — Kimberlin Co.

Kimberlin Co.


by MD Engineering LLC (Formerly SCAM Design)

The Torqbar® is a patent pending spinning device designed to keep your hands busy and your mind focused. It is the result of several prototypes and over a year of development of a device built specifically to fill this need in the most enjoyable way possible.


"The simple action of spinning a Torqbar® is something you have to experience to appreciate.  It is meant to be with you always, to be spun anywhere, at any time." — Scott McCoskery, inventor.

Torqbar Semi Custom Family Photo.jpg
Torqbar Luna
Copper Termite Semi-Custom Torqbar
The Torqbar Case Prototype
Torqbar 2Tone

Splish Torqbars on Tandem Button Prototypes from MD Engineering.