
For any team or organization to prosper, it must have strong leaders.
Leaders cast the vision, develop the strategy, hire the right people, build cohesive teams, and focus on the right results.
Bulletproof leaders create clarity about what’s important.
Leaders also set the tone for how the team works.
They have the single biggest impact on the culture of their organization as everything they do (or fail to do) tends to cascade down, ultimately impacting the customer and therefore the bottom line.
Here at GoBulletproof.com, we build bulletproof leaders. They in turn build Bulletproof Organizations.
A bulletproof leader is characterized by the following nine attributes:
- Highly competent but never arrogant.
- Both liked and respected by their people.
- Quick to accept responsibility, slow to assign blame.
- Challenges people to do great things, but allows them to fail.
- Trusts their people and proves it through willing vulnerability.
- Encourages mightily but also holds people accountable.
- Inspires hope for a better future, both professionally and personally.
- Is honest and open, but keeps confidences when necessary.
- Gets the right results without sacrificing their people.
We can help through:
- Leaders Academy
- 1:1 Executive Coaching
- Group Coaching
- Seminars and Training
- Consulting
- Keynote Presentations
- Books and Resources
Wondering how the bulletproof leaders methodology is different?
That’s easy.
Our system takes all the best there is to offer in leadership thinking, then makes it useable under even the highest levels of stress.
As you know, there are a million options for leadership development and many of them are quite good. You have probably been to seminars or read books or attended conferences on leadership.
Unfortunately, if you’re like most of us, those wonderful concepts somehow got lost in the day-to-day melee’ of emails and deadlines and shifting priorities.
Your good intentions may have simply evaporated along with your patience.
A bulletproof leader is different.
They face the same issues you face, but they have been taught how to identify critical behaviors and priorities, then how to make quick decisions within those guidelines.
It's the same process used by SWAT operatives facing armed adversaries when the lives of hostages are at stake. And it works.
Use our contact page or call us at 479-595-8515.
The Bulletproof Leaders Academy provided our managers with valuable insights into team dynamics and real leadership. Armed with actionable tactics from each session, we are improving teamwork and overall performance. Coupled with Tim's engaging style, the Bulletproof concepts have inspired all of us to become better individuals as well as better leaders.
Rodney Shepard
Arvest Bank

Tim Keck gets my highest recommendation as a coach and mentor. His unique ability to recognize, understand, and explain the way every team member thinks and operates blows my mind. It turns out that there's so much about life and leadership that I didn’t know. Whether it’s personal coaching for just me or including my whole team — he provides a priceless amount of value. I name Tim as one of the top contributors to the success that I enjoy as a business professional today.
Eric Hinson

I look forward to each session with Tim, finding them to be equal parts entertaining, informative and inspiring. Whether working with us as individuals or as a group, all of the partners came away with new respect for one another and gleaned valuable insights on how to create a work environment that works for everyone.
Barbara Taylor
Allan Taylor

Why Go Bulletproof?
Practical, effective, expert help for leaders and teams.
Vetted in the stressful environment of a SWAT call-out.
Ample use of humor and storytelling to engage your people.
Ready, willing and able to solve your biggest people problems.
Always focused on creating high-performance, low-drama cultures.