It is understood that safety considerations, weather and FAA rules
may at times require deviation from these procedures. Safety
is PARAMOUNT. While following the noise abatement procedure for
runways 33L/R over-flight of the city and residential area on
Avenues and J should be avoided when safe operation permits.
When departing Runways 33L and 33R, climb straight ahead, tracking
the extended RUNWAY CENTERLINE and turn to a heading of 290 degrees
"after" crossing the railroad tracks and "before"
the river as safe operation permits.When departing the airport
traffic area on the left "45" off runway 33L/R, pilots
are to remain north of the river/railroad. Arrival traffic inbound
on the "45" for runway 33L/R should remain south of the
railroad tracks to avoid departing traffic. No northerly turns until
west of the power lines and above 1000 ft.
While departing to the south simply follow the recommendations
of the FAA Aeronautical Information Manual. Section 4.3.2 (c)
states, "Departure Leg" - The flight path begins after
takeoff and continues straight ahead along the extended runway
centerline. The departure climb continues until reaching a point
at least 1/2 mile beyond the departure end of the runway and within
300 feet of the traffic pattern altitude. When departing on runway
15, climb straight ahead, tracking the extended RUNWAY CENTERLINE
until reaching 700 feet before turning on the crosswind if remaining
in the pattern, or, at least 1000 feet before turning on course if
departing the pattern. Remember a measure of good piloting skill is
the ability to maintain a straight track after takeoff. Obviously,
this is an important skill when operating at parallel runways such
as Paine Field and Harvey Field, for example. Also, an early
turn or drift to the west after takeoff can lead to a nose-to-nose
confrontation with traffic inbound on the "45" over or
near the landfill area.
Successful airports must value and maintain good relations with
their neighboring community. This relationship will continue to
benefit Harvey Field as well as the City of Snohomish. Pilots
strive to enhance and build good relations with fellow aviators.
This practice should not be exclusive to those who share our
passion for aviation but should also include the neighbors of
Harvey Field. With this in mind we must make every attempt to
educate the pilot community on the HF noise abatement procedures.
We MUST always be considerate and concerned.
Adherence to the noise abatement procedure for runways 33L/R
and 15L/R will continue the difference that pilots are making
in maintaining quieter skies for the residents of Snohomish.
When the turn to 290 degrees is made when departing to the
north on 33L/R, a pilot increases their distance from the
noise-sensitive area, diminishing the impact on residents
of Avenues I and J. Likewise, when following the noise
abatement procedure after departing runway 15L/R, residents
of 111th street to the south are appreciative.
Please be courteous and aware of noise concerns and
residential areas when departing or landing at Harvey Field.
Through the years the owners and managers of Harvey Field
along with individual pilots and pilot groups have been
pro-active in educating the pilot community on noise abatement
procedures at Harvey Field. The success of this effort has not
led us to be complacent. Please continue to follow the published
noise abatement procedures and help us to educate other pilots on
this issue. Being a good neighbor will protect the future of our
airport. Thank you for your cooperation and help.
Noise Complaint
Harvey Field
Established 1944
(360) 568-1541