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internet marketing expert

Image Builders offers expertise in digital marketing.

With over 21 years of expertise in digital marketing alone, Image Builders provides highly-effective marketing opportunities to tourist-related businesses. We create digital marketing campaigns for small to mid-size businesses that build brand loyalty, drive revenue, and radically change our customers' Internet presence.

Image Builders approaches digital marketing from a unique perspective. We design web portals from which we market your company. Maintaining complete control of these web portals enables us to ensure that your marketing campaign will be successful. Through intelligence gathering and careful planning, we gain an appreciated insight into your company's individual needs. This gives us a better edge to use our tools and resources to better promote your business. We reflect your company image in a positive way.

Image Builders is rated high in search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing strategy. With a background in advertising, strategy, digital marketing and writing for SEO our Knoxville, Tennessee based company is able to service clients around the country. Our marketing methods focus directly on your target audience.

Established in November 1995, Image Builders was a pioneer in digital marketing. We paved the way for many companies to become involved in the Internet industry.

In March 1996 we organized the Internet for the Great Smoky Mountains region by developing websites which focused on tourism in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville, Townsend, Maggie Valley NC, and Cherokee NC. In 1998, other companies began to see the advantages of building web portals for the Smoky Mountains and followed suit.

Our work also includes web portals for geographical areas. Our most recent work is complete publication of the very successful Knoxville Daily Sun, a digital only newspaper located at

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