Policy Hub
Technology Policy Hub

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About Tahseen Consulting

We're a boutique firm bridging
consulting, government relations, and international development

We have served
clients in more than



We have
worked with


of the world's 20 largest tech companies

We have


unicorns on entering and scaling in the MENA+

We have helped
clients create


economic opportunities in the MENA+

We have supported
client investments of


in the MENA+

What Does
Tahseen mean?

Tahseen means improve or enhance in Arabic. We are obsessively passionate about creating positive impact for clients, and our mission is to help them achieve it.

Thinkers, Entrepreneurs, Doers

We are a small team working on big things at the intersection of policy, development, and technology.

How we work

Arab governments, leading corporations, and social sector institutions work with us because we offer knowledge, insight, and counsel they can use to move forward with confidence. Alongside each client, we deliver rigorous analysis, deep industry knowledge, and pragmatic solutions for tangible, high impact results.

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We offer expertise that complements our clients’ capabilities, not replaces it. We establish a collegial relationship with clients that allow them to build their capabilities so that they can fully participate in engagements and have the expertise to continue implementation after our work is finished.

We believe in ...

Investing in building the capabilities of

Given the region’s youthful demographics, we view building organizational and personal capacity to lead the way after our work with clients is finished as critical.

Operating ethically through open communications

We adhere to the highest standards through honest communications, respect for others, and a focus on the greater good rather than exclusively commercial interests.

Sharing our independent

We share our research and insights with businesses, governments, community organizations, and others so that we all learn and work together.

Delivering practical and implementable solutions

We improve our clients’ performance by delivering practical, implementable solutions, not reports that wind up in a filing cabinet or lost on the intranet.

Grounding our work in rigorous methodologies

We ground our work in rigorous proven methodologies that are informed by local insights to go beyond advancing only best practice initiatives.

Forging and
promoting collaboration

Achieving large scale, lasting regional change requires systemic rather than initiative-driven approaches. For this reason, we forge and promote multi-sectoral collaboration.


500,000+ jobs through workable
ridesharing regulations

View Case Study


Explore our work

We work with clients on complex challenges at the intersection of technology, government, and public policy. See the big challenges we’re tackling now by exploring our recent work.