Most Secured Crypto Trading Platform

Our terminal is built on the best technology, it can let you easily complete any transaction

Our Core Services

Our terminal is built on the best technology, it can let you easily complete any transaction

Order service

Order service includes a matching engine which is responsible for matching the order and generating market data.

Market making service

Market making is crucial to the success of cryptocurrency exchanges, especially for a new cryptocurrency exchange.

User services

User service is an independent application developed with akka and spring framework, which provides user related services for the front server.

Wallet service

Unlike other modules in the logical architecture diagram, wallet service is not a single independent application, but is composed of multiple applications.

Maria DB and ETL

A Maria DB Galera cluster is included in the core site. The master database instance in the cluster is directly used by the application.


Redis in the core site is used to save the market data generated by the order service and push it to the front-end site through the replication mechanism.

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What are the main elements of a block?

Hash pointer to the previous block、Time stamp、Transaction list

What are the types of records available in the blockchain database?

Transaction records\Block records;These two records can be easily accessed and integrated without any complex algorithm.

What are the different types of blockchains?

Public blockchain: as the name suggests, no one is responsible here. Anyone can read / write / audit the blockchain. Private blockchain: as the name suggests, it is the private property of individuals or organizations. Consortium or joint blockchain: selected members of the consortium can read / write / audit the blockchain