The Adaptive Engine

Do you feel like your organisation is lurching from one transformation programme to another with very little to show for it? Are you feeling burnt out and battered by waves of change? Are you a start-up looking to scale up but are not sure how? You’re not alone!

We developed the Adaptive Engine model to bring together over 20 years of our experiences in supporting organisations to change, transform and grow. We know the secret of success is to invest in continuous evolution of your organisation and measure your progress against value, not time. One of the biggest challenges we have seen for organisations undergoing significant change is to have a clear view of what good looks like, which can often result in the blind adoption of ‘frameworks’ which are unlikely to meet their organisational goals. The Adaptive Engine seeks to change this by providing a model to support leadership teams in formulating their desired target state and a path to achieving this.

The Adaptive Engine Model is a model of 6 key organisational components central to the operation of a modern, successful organisation in a fast changing environment. Each component contains a number of characteristics required to understand, prioritise and deliver value to customers in the face of new market opportunities and challenges. Each characteristic is described and considered with the purpose of providing non-prescriptive guidance on what good looks like for each characteristic, and how it can be implemented.

A critical element of the model is that it takes a systems based approach to the organisation and recognises that promoting adaptivity in one area without doing so in the surrounding areas will limit its value. As such the model covers all aspects of the organisation from executive leadership through to service support.

Take your organisation to the next level. Don’t do agile – be adaptive.

Copyright Helen Williams 2017

Want to know more?

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