Hatching your idea

Write down your Concept

Write your idea down in our structured Concept Writing Process.

We guide you through each step of concept creation and provide tips on how to write each component of your concept to maximize sales.

Your idea is secure and never shared with anyone.

Once you are happy with your idea concept, Test it with live reviewers

Decide how many people you want to review your concept.

The more reviewers the more accurate and rich the feedback will be.

Use reviewers feedback to improve your idea

The Hatchery’s concept test report provides a detailed summary of reviewer feedback. It includes graphs showing the 'likelihood to buy' score and verbatim feedback from every reviewer for deeper analysis.

  • If the scores are positive: Use the detailed feedback to refine and enhance your idea. Once improved, consider re-testing the concept to ensure it performs even better than the original.
  • If the scores are less positive: Review the written feedback to identify straightforward ways to improve the concept. For example, if reviewers didn’t fully understand your idea, a clearer rewrite or adjustment may lead to better results in the next test.
  • Time to Hatch your Business - The Next Steps.

    We believe that to be successful you need three key things

    • A great idea
    • The right team
    • Enough cash to get you to critical mass

    Here at the Hatchery we help with all three.

    By testing and improving your idea until it is delivering great scores from reviewers you know you have step 1 covered.

    Our contacts and links ensure that you can pull the right team and services together – they include:

  • Mentoring & Coaching
  • Legal services to protect your idea and for commercial agreements
  • Recruitment consultants and temporary worker agencies
  • Industrial design and engineering, electronic and mechanical
  • Packaging design, physical and decoration
  • Brand identity services
  • Advertising and social media/E-commerce support
  • Angel Investors, Crowd funding partners, and other Investors