- It’s a great product
- Enjoyed lots of things to do
- Lovely design
- Suitable and effective
- Love all the colours
- Kitbag is on display in my bedroom
- Still used months later
- Good to attach thoughts to physical things
- It’s fantastic and fun
- Good to have a challenge
- Wrote my own affirmation, took it to school and kept in my pocket
- Drew a heart and it helps my anxiety
- Was fun picking a penny at random
This is part of a comment made by J whom I mentored 10 years ago;
“If this kind of tool had of been offered to me then I most probably wouldn't have this negative inner critic in me which I battle every day.
With the state of how society/life is in this day and age it’s important that children have the tools to process their emotions/feelings to ensure a healthy inner self to manage day to day life.”
"I think it is wonderful. Thank you so much for designing such a useful item. It was wonderful for everyone to recall and remind about what was happening in the photos."
"Ideal, a keepsake to last."
"Just right. I love the fact that it can be returned to and added to."
"Great mix for adult and child to choose."
"Sparked off lots of memories."
"As no living family, it triggered happy memories"
Jennifer Glenc, BSc (Hons), PGDip, Cert, PGCE, MBPsS, RSci Psychology Teacher, Aberystwyth University & Harlech College
“The "Alternative P.E. Kitbag" could provide children at various developmental levels tools to express desires, goals and a positive mental attitude. The activities encourage children to focus on realistic achievements catered to their developmental stage, and pushing boundaries to achieve personal goals and autonomy. Highly recommended for children between the ages of 3-10, and children with moderate learning difficulties.”
Comment from Siobhan Lambert, Client Manager, Innovate Design
“We really believe the concept has potential and would like to offer our help in developing this. ““I think it sounds like a really interesting and beneficial product to help children develop and maintain a positive mental attitude.
From market research it is clear that mental health is a key issue facing many young people today and is affecting people at an ever younger age, showing there could be a potential market for your product.”
Albrights Patent Attorney (August 2017)
“The kitbag provides a tactile means of recalling and recording positive memories and stimuli. The child is both mentally and physically engaged in the process of putting themselves into a positive state of mind. It is particularly suited to children of ages 5-11, and to children on the autistic spectrum or with learning disabilities. The effect of putting good feelings and memories down on the elements is significantly improved by using tangible objects which are combined to create an aesthetic display personalised to the child. The system can also be used as an early preventative measure before significant mental health issues develops. Where a child is uncommunicative or unable to properly convey worries or trauma, the kinaesthetic system provides both an outlet for the child
and an insight for those responsible into that child’s state of mind, concerns and level of self-esteem.
This is invaluable for supporting early intervention, where needed.”