Better Market Research Through Behavioral Economics

Building on learnings from the behavioral sciences, we developed an innovative suite of tools to better capture true drivers of decision-making. Combined with our domain expertise, these tools can reveal unique insights to inform your most critical business decisions.

iMR’s Proprietary Solutions

Research Backed by Science

Traditional market research methods have inherent problems, such as overreliance on attitudinal questions and Likert scales, long surveys, cultural bias, etc. As a consequence, they do not reveal what respondents are truly thinking or feeling.

Using behavioral economics as a framework, we spent years testing our ideas to develop our proprietary, validated, and cutting-edge market research approaches to overcome these limitations.

Our best practices are directly informed by both academic literature and our own “research on research” conducted in partnership with our clients.

Examples of our learnings include:

Data quality control is underutilized and underappreciated

Selection of stimuli is arguably the most important aspect of survey design

Traditional rating scales of product performance and importance have limited analytical value

Attribute importance results can vary depending on the analytical method used