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ERVA | Engineering Research Visioning Alliance

The Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA), is a UIDP-administered initiative with funding support from the National Science Foundation Engineering Directorate.

ERVA convenes diverse science and technology experts from different sectors to envision the big ideas that will propel us into the next century. The goal is to advance the frontiers of science and engineering in ways that will maximize societal benefit and ensure U.S. leadership in tomorrow’s innovation-based economy.

In addition to representation on ERVA’s Executive Committee, UIDP and its member representatives play active roles on its Advisory Board, Standing Council, and working groups.

The ERVA Mission

To identify and develop bold and transformative new engineering research directions and to catalyze the engineering community’s pursuit of innovative, high-impact research that benefits society.

How does ERVA do it?

Visioning for engineering research priorities starts with collaborative, cross-disciplinary, convergent workshops that have the flavor of science fiction, but are steeped in science fact. ERVA workshops invite leading experts in their fields to use their collective experience to as a springboard to next-generation priorities where engineering can take the lead to solve grand challenges. ERVA isn’t looking for incremental solutions. It’s keenly focused on the far horizon’s edge and bringing the nation’s engineering research community together to envision our shared future.

Click the images to see the ERVA visioning reports.

Share your vision. Become an ERVA Champion.

ERVA’s work doesn’t begin and end with its visioning workshops. It inspires connection among the diverse voices of engineering and beyond—the multi-disciplinary spectrum essential to create lasting impact. ERVA broadly communicates the workshop findings that are nascent or underexplored research directions and can enable new science and technology solutions.

ERVA Champions are invited to offer their visioning ideas, share ERVA research priorities, and learn about opportunities to engage. Sign up today.

Help define the future of  engineering research.

ERVA solicits workshop ideas from all sectors. UIDP members are invited to get involved and to have a voice in prioritizing technology gaps important to your organization and promoting them for potential funding.

Submit your workshop theme and leverage the ERVA engine to advance fundamental engineering research that benefits you and society.


ERVA is funded by the National Science Foundation through award #2048419

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