About us

Facing unprecedented challenges of our time, a new type of organisation has to emerge. Organisation that is capable of changing the direction of self-destruction and ecological collapse. A global organisation, that in a face of a global crisis, unite people, organisations and nations. To leverage our innate ability for collaboration, coordination and innovation to improve state of the world. Time it is to step on a new path of evolution and true progress of humanity.

We believe, that the greatest challenges are the greatest opportunities for growth and evolution.

The World Union has been created with the idea of leveraging group intelligence, the power of synergies, and better systems to empower us to make the changes needed for humanity to evolve and thrive. 

We are a social movement and a platform for collaboration and trust-building, to enable dialogue to take place on a global scale, that will lead us to more effective decisions and coordinated actions.

World Union Foundation is joining Global Civil Society to empower our urge for the change. To create systemic solutions and lead the world to a sustainable and healthy future. We’re the generation that is going to take a stand for the future of mankind.

The future of humanity is in our hands. In your hands.

Our mission is to:

Save the world from ecological disaster through unity, collaboration, and collective action.

Let’s explore what’s possible.

This is how we do it:

  1. Committing to truth:

Our first goal is to uncover the truths about the world and the systems in which we live, to be able to challenge and change them.

By seeing what is, be opened to truth is a challlanges, but this is the only way we can know how to handle it.

  1. Changing the mindset

Seeing and understanding the truth is the first step to action. To understand how we got here, we need to unwrap our deep beliefs and challenge them so that we can change the way we see our world.

Challenging our assumptions, social behaviours, economical models is the way to change them.

  1. Collective power

When we are disorganised, we’re weak and easily manipulated. When we synchronize our actions, great force is being created. By taking part in group actions, organized events, and raising awareness, we can reshape the world.

  1. Be discontent

We accept and welcome disagreements. It is a driving force for innovation and change. Disagreements are our way to share and uncover our true intentions, finding the common ground and shared purpose.

  1. Share perspective

By sharing our worldviews, we see the world and a bigger picture. Dialogue and multiple vantage-points is the way to find the leverage point to reverse crises and turn to the evolutionary path.

  1. Envision the ideal world

What is our shared vision of a better future?
What is the world you want to live in?
What does it look like?

Let's picture it, share it, and make it work.

  1. Challenge the system

We can’t improve the system without understanding them. We will engage in collaborative learning, sharing our knowledge and wisdom, opening our minds to new understanding

  1. Change mindsets

From powerlessness to empowerment; from obedience to activism; from observing to acting; from consuming to influencing.

  1. Create synergies

By collaborating, we empower each other. By looking for partnerships, we can become thousands of times stronger.

Foundational goals

  • Empower social-activism, social-action movements, and social entrepreneurship around the world
  • Redesign and create better systems to leverage change for the 1.5°C pathway
  • Make circular economies viable
  • Design new waste and recycle systems, international policies, and initiatives
  • Empower and facilitate global coordination in climate and social action.
  • Protect ecological systems and preserve natural habitats.
  • Develop international agreements and creating accountability structures for shared resources use and management
  • Develop international standards for ecological equilibrium
  • Create new organizational structures and bodies to enable effective international collaboration and trust building
  • Foundation of a network of decentralized, apolitical, national, and regional councils to manage local ecological, social, and urban systems
  • Protect the ocean, facilitate international fishery regulation, increase marine protected areas, and pollution control with accountability systems
  • Develop new standards of economic development of emerging countries
  • Facilitate peace, de-escalate arms races and other escalation structures

The pact of change:

This is our commitment to truth and change.

We’re not alone

Millions of people are on a mission to save the world and humanity. 

There’s no escape

We can’t escape to Mars, but we can make this planet so beautiful that we don’t have to.

It’s the challenge of a lifetime

We have a choice to make: are we ready to watch this world die and take us with it, or should we sacrifice our lives to change it. To challenge ourselves; to believe so hard that we can move mountains.  

We have unlimited opportunities

By organizing ourselves in teams, groups, organizations and national councils, we can leverage change, that we truly desire and deserve.

We are fearless

Nobody can stop me from protecting our planet, our nature, and our children’s futures. Be not afraid of challenges and changes. Be not afraid to act on your call.

We act, One inch at a time.

Complex, dynamic, and systemic problems seem impossible to affect. By acting together, by acting with purpose and systemically, we can solve most of the world’s difficult challenges. One system at a time. 

“We're in hell right now, gentlemen. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb outta hell... one inch at a time.”

This is our world, we are the power

The world belongs to the people, not to corporations and political organizations with boundaries.
We want to enjoy, create, explore, live well, and have relationships.

It is time to become a Hero of our time

Have you ever thought of being a hero? Each of us has a talent and a villain to stop. Now is the time to choose to be the one. To choose yourself to be a hero.

Become a great leader and a great follower

Lead a team, group, or organization to transform your neighborhood, city, country, and the world. 

Our weapon is the phone

With great organization, we can change any outcome we want. All we need is to self-organize, agree on new rules, and act. Using the latest technologies, global coordination, and organizational patterns, we can achieve the impossible.

Challenging what’s possible

We will never know what's possible, until we actually do it.

Organisational Structure

You’re here for a reason. 
You see the world is crumbling, you see the inequalities, and you see suffering.
You want to quit, but you can't.
You want to fight, but we don't know how.
You’re looking for answers, you’re looking for change, and you’re looking for like-minded people to join you. 
We don’t have all the answers, but we’re here to challenge the status quo, because we know how.
We all here for different reasons, we accept differences and accept you as you are.
We're not showing you the way, you are the way.
We have nothing to lose, nothing to hide and nothing to fear. If there's no future, at least we can say that we have done all we could. We've put all of us.
You are much more thank you think. Much more. The force is within you.

What’s your call? 
What’s your vision of the future? 
What’s your ultimate mission? 

Join us, share it, manifest it.

All the World's Citizens, Unite!


Organisation DNA is a set of fundamental principles that World Union Foundation, all organizations and projects it creates are following.

Organisational Principles

Organizational Principles are the governing beliefs and structural foundations that shape the overarching mission and culture of all projects we facilitate and fund. They provide the structural framework for our interconnected network of organizations, emphasizing structures such as self-organization, fractal design, and evolutionary governance.

We embrace open collaboration and actively seek participation, feedback, and advice from diverse stakeholders.
Self-organization is the cornerstone of our DNA. It empowers us and each organisation within our network to autonomously adapt and thrive, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where initiatives organically align, amplify, and drive positive change.
Fractal design
Our approach to project design draws inspiration from the resilience and sustainability seen in nature's intricate patterns. By encouraging the formation of sub-organizations and independent teams, all committed to the "Do one thing and do it well" philosophy, we shine a spotlight on the efficiency of small, focused units. These entities, each capped at 64 individuals, work diligently toward specific goals. Simultaneously, they contribute to the growth of a vast network of interconnected organizations. This strategy enhances our operational scope and efficiency, fostering a robust ecosystem built on close collaboration and sustainable practices.
In alignment with progressive organizational models such as Teal Organizations and Holacracy, our principle of self-accountability is a response to the limitations of traditional command-and-control structures. We empower every team member with a voice and a distinct domain of self-accountability. This dynamic shift breaks down the silos, inefficiencies, and disengagement often associated with rigid hierarchies. By fostering a culture where individuals take ownership of their responsibilities and contribute meaningfully to the collective mission, we cultivate an environment of transparency, collaboration, and empowerment.
Synergies are at the heart of our organizational philosophy. Drawing inspiration from the synergistic approach, we consistently seek collaboration with external entities, blurring the boundaries of traditional organizational structures. Through active partnerships and the exploration of shared efficiencies, we tap into each other's low-cost capabilities. This collaborative spirit allows us to amplify our impact exponentially, working in tandem with other organizations to further our shared mission and create a more profound and far-reaching effect for both parties involved.
Services architecture
Our organizations are structured to serve as valuable and distinctive resources for others within our network. This foundational principle emphasizes the importance of designing our entities to operate as useful and unique services, aligning with our broader mission of fostering collaboration, efficiency, and collective impact.
Evolutionary Governance
Evolutionary Governance encompasses a set of governance principles that emphasize adaptive decision-making, distributed authority, and dynamic processes. This approach shifts away from traditional top-down hierarchies, encouraging self-management, peer-to-peer accountability, and a continuous evolution of governance structures. By embracing Evolutionary Governance, our organizations become more agile, responsive, and better equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social projects and philanthropy.
Integrative Design
We harmonize various elements to create cohesive and efficient solutions, ensuring that all parts work together seamlessly.
We build symbiotic relationships where all parties benefit, promoting cooperation and shared success.
Emergence Design
We allow solutions to naturally evolve from interactions within the system, adapting to new challenges and opportunities.
We maintain transparency, inclusiveness, and accessibility in all actions and decisions, fostering a culture of trust and participation.
Explore What’s Possible
We encourage innovation and creativity, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved.
Operational Principles

Operational Principles are the day-to-day guidelines and strategies that direct our actions within individual projects and initiatives in World Union Network. These principles guide our practical decision-making and execution, ensuring alignment with our organizational values and mission.

We prioritise the development and understanding of systems as the foundation of every action we take. For each initiative, we create a systems map to communicate our approach and demonstrate its effectiveness. This systemic-first approach guides our decision-making and underscores our commitment to holistic and sustainable solutions.
Do more with less
We embrace limitations as the source of power and leverage. We solve global problems through comprehensive and integrative design. We are looking at the bigger picture, understanding the long-term impacts, and designing solutions that are not only effective but also sustainable and resource-efficient.
Find the root cause and most impactful actions. Demonstrate the rationale behind your countermeasures and communicate clear leverage.
Change the Game
In situations where traditional methods have little prospects of success, our approach is to transform the paradigm itself. Instead of striving to "change the system" we seek to redefine the rules and create new possibilities.
Constitutional-led decision-making
We entrust decisions to a structured process outlined in each project's Constitution, ensuring clarity and fairness in our decision-making.
Create at least one service
We prioritise the creation of at least one unique service in each project, available for use by other organizations, fostering collaboration and resource sharing.
Do one thing and do it well
We focusing on excellence in one area, emphasizing quality and precision over spreading resources too thin.
Collect , store and structure data
We gather, organize, and leverage data as evidence of our actions, a tool for measurable impact, and the foundation for future initiatives. We also encourage the exchange of structured data with partner projects.
Worse is better
We embrace the philosophy of implementing simple and robust solutions with rapid iteration, where innovation thrives in the face of imperfection and uncertainty. We fail boldly, gather feedback, and refine products swiftly.
Share learning
We create reusable tools and frameworks, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing among projects.
Radical transparency
We prioritise openness and honesty in our operations, striving for transparency in all our interactions.
Collective intelligence
We promote dialogue and information sharing, both within and outside organizational boundaries, to harness the collective wisdom of our network.
Create learning opportunities
We prioritize learning, aiming to be a valuable educational experience for all participants while sharing knowledge with the broader community.
Give Back
We are committed to delivering tangible value to donors and supporters, ensuring their investment has a meaningful impact.
Relationships over result
We prioritize nurturing meaningful relationships over short-term gains, recognizing the long-term value of genuine connections.
Small is beautiful
We focus on creating small, elegant, and impactful work, as we believe in the beauty and effectiveness of such endeavours
Niche Pioneers
Rather than competing for a small piece of a large pie, we actively seek out niche markets where we can excel and expand our impact. By focusing on these specialized areas, we position ourselves to deliver unique, scalable value, fostering sustainable growth while addressing specific needs and opportunities within our mission.
Worse is better
Greatest successes comes from greatest failures. We fail big and early. We create products today. We are imperfect and we accept our limitations and flaws. Critique is best type of feedback. We value feedback and iterate iterate iterate until we succeed. We embrace and love failure. We're persistent and detached from outcomes and fear of failure.
Consider Unintended Consequences
Evaluate the broader impact of every action, prioritizing the preservation and respect of existing social systems. Embrace and work within the current system, recognizing its limitations. Always ask "What if?" and "So what?" to ensure changes promote independence and self-identification without undermining established structures.
We value and incorporate diverse viewpoints and experiences to gain a comprehensive understanding and address complex challenges.
Building Capabilities
We enhance the skills, resources, and capacities of individuals and communities to empower them to achieve their goals. We build our capabilities, share them and use power of synergies to make change on scale.
Our Philosophy
We observe and accept all perspectives, allowing everything to be and express itself, embracing diversity and independence in thoughts and actions. We accept all things as they are, without interference or influence.
We maintain equilibrium within the system, ensuring stability and harmony in all our endeavors.
Wuji Qi 无极气
We embody timelessness, stillness, and limitless potential, drawing strength from the tranquility and boundlessness in a state of pure potentiality, oneness, where all distinctions are dissolved.
We recognize that all is in one and one is in all. We are a union, interconnected and united in purpose to support this world well-being and progress. We seek Union within and without.
We transcend boundaries, seeing all organisations and living beings as part of our collective whole.
We hold no allegiance to nationality, religion, ethnic group, system of belief or ideology, embracing a global and universal identity or lack thereof.
We perceive everything as interconnected, acknowledging the intricate web of relationships that form our reality.
We possess no things, rule over no one, and control nothing, showing the way to humility and equality with wisdom and integrity.
Mt. Fuji
We serve as a solid foundation, with a broad perspective that encompasses all forces and influences.
We welcome all sides, bringing together opposites with respect and humility, fostering unity and reconciliation.
We believe that polarities and tensions signal innate attraction and and a call for unity. We empower polarities to come together in a self-reinforcing, creative manner.
We maintain inner peace regardless of external circumstances and cultivate detachment from outcomes. By transcending worries and distractions we stay centered and serene, focused on the present moment and breath the experience.
Our Approach
Meta-organisation is our fundamental approach to solving most significant challenges of our times. Complexity fights complexity. We match complexity of the challenges to the one of the organisation by creating a network of organisations, structured in abstraction layers and powered by fractal design.
Systemic thinking is our fundamental approach to problem-solving of complex issues. Our paradigm, “Everything is a system”, allows us to see processes, patterns of relationships, and structures behind all the events, actions, and strategies.
We are a new generation of nonprofits, leveraging the latest technologies to build network solutions on scale, empower better collaboration, and organize action.
We use service architecture and service-driven development approach to build more efficient, distributed and scalable network of organisations and solutions.
Network organisation (N-ORG)
By fostering N-ORG, a network organisation framework, we leverage greater forces of collaboration on a scale to match the complexity of the environment and issues at hand.
We use fractal organization design and principles to achieve maximum scale and efficiency of our systems, programs and projects.
We use DNA principles, serving as a foundation to guide network organisational structures and governance, empowering cohesion and seamless collaboration.
We collect and process data in a way that will enable our organizations to demonstrate the direct and long-term systemic impact and make informed decisions.
Feedback policies
We use feedback policies in reporting and policies, to ensure self-accountability of organizational structures.
Citizens, nonprofits, governments, corporations, scientists - by working across all organizational and social boundaries, we create synergies on a scale to create the highest impact.
Bottom-up approach
We develop unique organizational patterns to create local, national, and global groups of actions. We use a bottom-up approach to achieve scalability, resilience and better collaboration across all layers.
Layers of abstractions
Layers of abstractions in organizational design enable us to consume the least amount of energy and maximise leverage for any action.
Integrative design
We’re considering all stakeholders' interests and building inclusive systemic solutions.
We use power of dialogue to see all perspectives, understanding the truth and create holistic picture of issues at hand.
By creating fully porous boundaries of our organisation, we invite All for collaboration and welcome scrutiny of all our actions.
Action-based learning
We choose active learning by acting on our intentions today. We succeed through iterations, adaptation and failure.
We either make history or become history