While corporate governance is the foundation for corporate sustainability, a sound corporate system is an essential condition for corporate governance. The Financial Supervisory Commission has been promoting Corporate Governance 3.0 over the past years in an effort to enhance the practical operation of corporate governance in Taiwan. As a public listed company, we have not only established a corporate governance structure and practice corporate governance in accordance with the Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act, and other related laws and regulations, but also work with the government on various corporate governance measures, with the aim of safeguarding shareholders’ interests and rights, strengthening the functions of the Board of Directors and various functional committees, respecting stakeholders’ rights, and enhancing information transparency.

The corporate governance organizations at CSCC consist of shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors, various functional committees (i.e., the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee), the Chief Corporate Governance Officer, and the Audit Office. The functions of these organizations are listed as follows:

Functions of corporate governance organizations

Shareholders' meeting

The highest decision-making body

Board of Directors

The executive body

Audit Committee

Oversee the performance of duties by the Board of Directors

Remuneration Committee

Review the performance and remuneration of directors and managers

Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee

Enhance corporate governance and implement sustainable development

Audit Office

Perform various audits according to audit plans approved by the Board of Directors

Organizational Structure of CSCC