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We’re Agapé UK.

We want to inspire people to discover Jesus, grow in their faith and go make disciples.


Our Mission

Agapé UK exists to help people discover Jesus together. Our vision is that every person will have the opportunity to discover Jesus and live their lives to the full in relationship with Him.

We are a UK charity, registered with the Charity Commission, with staff based in 9 cities across the UK.  

We are led by an Executive Leadership Team, governed by a Council of Management (Trustees), and supported by a Panel of Reference. 

Our Values


Inspiring people to discover Jesus.


Encouraging people to grow in their faith.


Enabling people to go and make disciples.

Our Leadership Team

Lesley Cheesman

Lesley Cheesman, UK Director

Lesley has been involved with Agapé UK since the day she came to know Jesus as a teenager. Apart from a short stint in banking, she has been an Agapé UK staff member for most of her working life. Starting in youth work in the North East, her passion for seeing people grow and thrive led her into directing Leadership Development before her current role as UK Director, leading the UK ministry to help people discover Jesus together. 

Jude Daniel, Field Director

Jude has been part of Agapé UK for the past 17 years, first as a university student leader within his local campus movement, and then as a member of the student ministry. In 2020 Jude took on the role of Field Director to give strategic direction and focus to our field teams, who are helping people discover Jesus in different walks of life, at home, at work, at university and abroad. 

Jude Daniel
Geoff Shave

Geoff Shave, Director of Church Engagement

Geoff has been with Agape UK for over 3 decades, but he is young at heart. He has done a couple of those decades in student ministry in Birmingham, Newcastle, London and Namibia. More recently he has led the workplace ministry in Cape Town to support marketplace multiplying discipleship. Since 2023, based in London, he has with his wife Caroline been leading the nationally focused Church Engagement team, aiming to inspire, encourage and enable churches on their missional journey.

Beth Luechauer, Director of Leadership Development

Beth was first part of the US branch of Agapé UK as a student in university.  After graduation she served with student ministries both in the US and then in North Macedonia.  She continued to serve in Leadership Development and Human Resources in North Macedonia until 2022 when she moved to the UK to become the Leadership Development Director for Agapé UK.  She is passionate about seeing people and leaders developed to that they can thrive and more effectively live out the mission God has called them to.

Beth Luechauer

Council of Management

Governing Documents

You can read our Governing Document (which includes our charitable objectives) and our Annual Reports and Accounts on the Charity Commission website here

Agape Ministries Ltd. Registered in England No 949989

Registered office: Agapé UK Hub, 167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW

Tel: 0121 765 4404 

Email: info@agape.org.uk

VAT No 200 1787 10

Registered charity in England & Wales (258421) and Scotland (SC042332)

Our Partners