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Client: UNHCR

UNHCR, commonly known as the UN refugee agency, is mandated to lead and coordinate international action to protect and assist refugees and displaced people around the world. In Albania, UNHCR works closely with the Directorate for Asylum and Border and Migration Police to strengthen access to asylum and provision of safeguards during status determination procedures, particularly access to information and legal representation.



An estimated 362,000 refugees and migrants risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2016. Given the circumstances, there was an urgent need for a comprehensive plan of action that would support long-term solutions to the complex issue of mixed migration and help address its root causes, in close cooperation with countries of origin and transit and in line with international law. In 2016, when Albania found itself in the midst of the refugee crisis and following the resettlement of approximately 3,000 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Albania, UNHCR appointed Albaglobal to translate the Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status.


Albaglobal translated over 200,000 words of the RSD Handbook into Albanian, through the engagement of a skilled team of translators with a thorough expertise on the matter. The employment of CAT tools throughout the project helped ensure consistent terminology, effective workflow management and timely delivery.

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