PAINTING is MY passion
This is my website and I hope that you enjoy browsing amongst the various watercolours and images.
I live in East Sussex, which is great, the weather is warm and sunny most of the time, but winters are hard, the darker evenings and blackness can be difficult.
My art gives me a great sense of happiness and calm when I can escape into a picture and meditate in the detail. I find great delight and pleasure at the finish, not all the time, but most of the time… perhaps you will as well.
Here are just a few paintings from my portfolio. I work mainly in watercolours and pastel, sometimes acrylics, but its challenging, I prefer working indoors in my studio at Mill Corner, outdoor work can lead me astray!
I work on private and commercial subjects across a wide range of projects. Please feel free to contact me or have a chat about a special place, moment, or individual.