Balco’s sustainability work

The world is facing many environmental challenges and combating climate change and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement is one of the greatest challenges of our age.

As a leader in it’s field, Balco needs to take responsibility and reduce the climate impact of the business. One of the ways that Balco will achieve this, is by making its production units more energy efficient and reducing its CO2 emissions.

The key to this, will be streamlining Balco’s processes, using materials and methods that provide the least possible environmental impact and minimising climate-impacting emissions to air, land and water.

Balco works continuously to ensure it is a leader in the effort to reduce environmental impact.

Its development department strives to use the best technologies to make production units more energy efficient and with less environmental impact every single year.

Below are some examples of Balco’s ongoing sustainability work:

• Balco has installed solar panels at its Head Office in Växjö. These solar panels generate approximately 38,000 kWh per year as part of our climate work

• Since 2021, Balco AB has been using aluminium produced with 100% renewable energy sources and energy-efficient production techniques. This has halved the CO2e emissions for aluminium profiles compared to previous processes. The aluminium used in Balco AB’s profiles generates less than a quarter of the emissions compared to the global average. By sourcing materials from selected producers in the Nordic region and Europe, we also minimise unnecessary transport, further strengthening our environmental efforts.

• Balco uses concrete containing 16% recycled waste materials. By reusing the waste product formed during the manufacture of steel for the production of the concrete – makes the process more environmentally friendly overall.

• Most of the materials used in during production can be recycled.

Membership and certifications

Balco Balconies Sustainability

UN Global Compact

Balco Group has joined the UN Global Compact, the worlds largest corporate sustainability initiative. The Group states its clear position on issues relating to human rights, social conditions, environmental responsibility and the right to form trade unions. If we are to achieve the Agenda 2030 goals, it is everyone’s responsibility to get involved and participate. Through UN Global Compact, we will have access to educational material and a large network of companies who are involved and will all work to make a difference to the most important issue of our lifetime.

Balco Balconies sustainability

Sweden Green Building Council

Sweden Green Building Council is Sweden’s leading member organization for sustainable community-building. As Balco Group is the balcony industry’s largest player, we see great value in being able to utilise the organization’s expertise and to be involved in and influence matters concerning, what we call, “green buildings”. Through certification, education and opinion formation, the Sweden Green Building Council works for a society that benefits both people and the environment. Within SBGC there are experts, companies and organizations from all over the country who are all working together towards the same goal.

Balco Balconies Sustainability

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner

A certification issued by Nasdaq, which from a societal perspective shows commitment and transparency regarding sustainability issues. We believe that it is important that we, as a public company, make it clear that we are proud of our operations and that we welcome external interest in the work we are doing concerning the environment, social affairs and governance of the company.

We manage the entire balcony process for you

Balco is the market leader in an industry where we develop, manufacture, sell and are responsible for the installation of our own manufactured open and glazed balcony systems. Our balcony systems are used in new builds, renovations and to upgrade existing balconies. Our broad customer segment includes tenant-owner associations, municipal housing companies, private property owners, architects and developers. Our headquarters and in-house production facilities are in the Småland city of Växjö in southern Sweden, and we have subsidiaries in Norway, Denmark, Finland, the UK, Germany, Poland and the Netherlands.

More information about – Balcony and facade renovation using the Balco method