Better Ads Experience Program


Welcome to the Better Ads Experience Program. This Program has been created by the Coalition for Better Ads to support its mission to improve the online advertising experience for consumers and promote adoption of the Better Ads Standards.

The Program, based on a framework developed by the Coalition, allows a voluntarily participating Web publishers and ad experience vendors to declare their compliance with the current Better Ads Standards. The registration process allows the Coalition for Better Ads to collect the information needed to enroll and validate each company and its domains or ad experience portfolio with the Program.

  • Simple registration process
  • Inclusion in the Program’s Register of active participants
  • Ability to publicize in the marketplace your company’s participation in the Program adherence to the Better Ads Standards.
  • Access to the Program’s independent dispute resolution mechanism to help resolve disputes over assessment of compliance with the Standards, when available
  • Access to the Program’s remediation resources for any issue of noncompliance with the Standards arising from assessment by an implementation entity accredited by the Program


To complete this registration process, you will need to provide corporate contact information and domains for the Register, as well as agree to the Program’s terms (through the Participation Agreement), and attest to compliance with the Standards. Fees vary based on program and company size.