Our mission
Our mission is to support and speed up the improved energy performance, sustainability and complete decarbonisation of the buildings sector with data-driven and actionable analysis, innovative policy solutions and convincing transformation pathways.
We provide
- Actionable, data-driven analysis that contributes to ambitious buildings-related policies and programmes at EU and member state level, and beyond
- Timely and efficient support to governments to develop and implement transformative regulatory and legislative standards
- Cutting edge thought leadership, sharing best practice through our network in Europe and globally
Our expertise
BPIE furthers evidence-based, impactful policy making by providing data and knowledge on:
Ongoing projects
We are involved in a large number of research projects that cover Europe and beyond. Swipe to see a selection of some of our ongoing work.
ComActivate: Enabling Community Action for Energy Sufficiency
ComActivate responds to growing levels of energy poverty across the EU, especially in the CEE region, by addressing the poor energy efficiency of buildings as a major driver of energy poverty, and as a driver of climate change. The project aims to ensure the energy sufficiency of vulnerable people living in multi-family apartment buildings in Central and Eastern Europe by developing best practices for clean energy production, consumption and efficiency measures at neighbourhood level.
EPBD.wise – Bringing European Building Policy to Life
EPBD.wise provides direct support to local authorities in six European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine) to design and implement the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). Coming just after the new deal on the revised EPBD reached by the European Union institutions, EPBD.wise will seize the opportunity to maximise the impact of Europe’s buildings policy to make our climate goals a reality.
Demo-BLog – Unlocking the potential of digital building logbooks
Demo-BLog is a four-year Horizon Europe project aimed at bringing together and further developing five Digital Building Logbooks (DBLs) to decarbonise the building stock in Europe. DBLs are common digital data repositories capturing, integrating and storing building data from across the construction market value chain.
EasiZero – Building envelope system for efficient zero energy renovation
EasiZero is a four-year Horizon Europe project that develops and validates an easy-to-install global building envelope system for efficient energy renovation with a near zero energy balance and CO₂ emission. Materials are based on bio-sourced and recycled materials to minimise the carbon-footprint.
empowering municipal renovation action plans and use of technical assistance
Renocally enhances competences of municipalities in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia to reach Fit-for-55 compliance and climate targets. This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Kreisläufe Konstruieren – Innovationschancen für den Gebäudesektor
"Kreisläufe Konstruieren - Innovationschancen für den Gebäudesektor" stellt den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Gebäuden in den Fokus, um diese in der Gesamtheit ihrer Auswirkungen auf den Klimawandel zu betrachten. Ziel des Projekts ist es, den Handlungsbedarf sowohl in der Forschung als auch der Umsetzung zu identifizieren.
oPEN LAB – Leading the Transition to Positive Energy Neighbourhoods
oPEN LAB is a 20-million project funded under the European Green Deal Call. Under the coordination of EnergyVille/VITO, 33 partners from 7 countries are collaborating to revitalise urban areas across Europe, leading the transition to Positive Energy Neighbourhoods (PEN) through open innovation actions.
ComAct – Community Tailor Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation
ComAct aims to make impactful energy-efficient improvements in multi-family apartment buildings in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region and in the former Soviet Union republics (CIS region) affordable and manageable for energy-poor communities as well as to create the necessary assistance conditions for lifting them out of energy poverty.
Funding: European Commission
BuiltHub – Dynamic EU Building Stock Knowledge Hub
BuiltHub is a 4-year project that seeks to develop a roadmap to continuously enhance the data needed to decide on building-related policy and business for involved stakeholders through a community and its data hub. It seeks to positively disrupt policy and market decision making through a continuously community-enhanced evidence base. The BuiltHub community and its platform shall change the way knowledge on the EU building stock is developed and shared, and represent the full range of building stakeholders from across Europe.
Funding: European Commission
e-SAFE – Changing the landscape of EU non-historical building stock
e-SAFE aims to change the landscape of EU non-historical building stock in order to contribute to the EU targets for 2030 and 2050, by developing innovative concepts and affordable solutions for deep energy and seismic building renovation.
Funding: European Commission
Paris-Proof Retail Real Estate
Paris-Proof Retail Real Estate aims at putting the retail real estate sector on a clear trajectory towards achieving climate-neutral building portfolios by 2050, in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement. The initiative provides a platform for industry experts to jointly develop and promote a common vision and strategy to align market enablers with policy solutions, and unlock investment in long-term sustainability measures at scale.
Funding: Redevco Foundation
X-Tendo – eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach
The aim of x-tendo is to support public authorities in the transition towards improved compliance, reliability, usability and convergence of next-generation energy performance assessment and certification.
Funding: European Commission
Syn.ikia – pluS energY Neighborhoods: the Innovation chain to marKet and socIetal Actions
Syn.ikia aims at achieving sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods with more than 100% energy savings, 90% renewable energy generation triggered, 100% GHG emission reduction, and 10% life cycle costs reduction, compared to nZEB levels. This will be achieved while ensuring high quality indoor environment and well-being.
Funding: European Commission
Enefirst – making the efficiency first principle operational
Enefirst seeks to provide the EU with a common vision of the principle of E1st and a holistic pathway to achieving it, embedded across our energy system models, impact assessments, funding and infrastructure decisions, and into all energy and climate policies.
Funder: European Commission – H2020
iBRoad – Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps
iBRoad designs, develops and demonstrates individual building renovation roadmaps and building logbooks to drive deep renovation in the residential sector.
Funding: European Commission
AmBIENCe – Actively Managed Buildings with Energy Performance Contracting
Ambience aims to extend the concept of Energy Performance Contracting to Active Buildings and making it available and attractive to a wider range of buildings. AmBIENCe will provide new concepts and business models for performance guarantees of Active Buildings, combining savings from energy efficiency measures with additional savings and earnings resulting from the active control of assets leveraging for instance price based incentive contracts (Implicit Demand Response).
Funding: European Commission – H2020
RenOnBill – Residential building energy renovations with on-bill financing
RenOnBill aims to scale up investments towards deep energy renovations of residential buildings by promoting the development and implementation of on-bill schemes, based on the cooperation between energy utilities and financial institutions.
Funder: European Commission – H2020
Turnkey Retrofit – TURNKEY solution for home RETROFITting
Turnkey Retrofit will develop a homeowner-centric renovation journey, transforming the complex and fragmented renovation process into a simple, straightforward and attractive process
Funding: European Commission
Feasibility study for EPBD19a
The project assesses the relevance and feasibility of introducing an EU approach, either voluntarily or mandatory) to the concept of building renovation passports.
Funding: European Commission
Build Upon² helps cities lead the charge towards net zero carbon by 2050 by unlocking the huge potential of buildings - developing strategies and solutions to scale up energy efficient building renovation.
Funder: European Commission – H2020
ExcEED – European Energy Efficient building district Database: from data to information to knowledge
ExcEED created a European database for measured and qualitative data on beyond the state-of-the-art buildings and districts, responding to the need for transparency and comparability of energy performance calculations.
Funder: European Commission – H2020
Disseminating and valuing the multiple benefits of Energy Efficiency
M-Benefits - Valuing & Communicating the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency project aims at creating a framework for the inclusion of the multiple benefits of energy efficiency in investment assessment and decision-making of companies and relevant stakeholders.