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Similar Companies Hiring
We are a Business advisor to the founding Management Team for company direction and strategy. Initial analysis of the best possible avenues to transform the initial idea into a marketable business and review of pivots for businesses looking to change direction and improve current performance.
Finance management - Gaining full understanding of the financial implications on all aspects of the business model, sales, cost of sales, overheads, personnel projections, finance projections and scenario analysis. Providing Regular and ad hoc reporting of Income
Statements and Cash Flow as well as actual business performance reporting for efficient business decision making.
Strategic and Tactical support for funding activities – Term sheet reviews, working with the founding team and lawyers, development of equity capital scenarios and management. Assistance in compiling and reviewing presentations, specializing in financial and strategic projections which are paramount in acquiring investment.
Talent Management – Ensure all the correct people are in place to carry out all the plans of the company and fully understand their roles and responsibilities, with remuneration and equity options established.
Suppliers – Work with existing suppliers to ensure smooth relationship in terms of production, delivery and payment. Review of other potential alternative suppliers both for cost and scale improvement purposes.
Review of Marketing Presentation / Pitch material to potential partners and direct customer marketing materials, ensuring it fully reflects the objective of the business and fit for purpose.
Customer management – Ensure the customer experience is smooth both pre and post point of sale working closely with sales teams.
Accounts / Filing Requirements – Working with CPA partners for ongoing company accounts and end of year tax returns as well as recommendations of accounting software to manage ongoing company finance.
Banking – Advising in the management of credit, accounts and loans for the business.
Competitor analysis – Primarily existing end user products as well as analyzing substitute, upstream and downstream products for potential client partners.