What kind of people work with Family Investment Center?
We have found we work most effectively with people who have a willingness to communicate expectations.
What services does Family Investment Center provide?
We provide financial planning, investment management and retirement planning.
How does Family Investment Center charge for your services?
We offer two, distinct, Fee-Only® services to our clients.
What are Family Investment Center's obligations to me?
To serve as your fiduciary – treating your money with the same care and prudence that we would treat our own.
What will Family Investment Center expect of me?
- We expect you to be honest and forthcoming about your personal and professional goals, and about your current financial situation.
- Financial planning is personal, so we will ask you to share with us data and issues that you may not share with anyone but your family.
- Specifically, we expect you to share your personal financial data and financial history with us, and to deliver relevant documents upon request.
- We believe that a terrific financial plan requires a commitment of time from you.
- We believe that a team approach to financial planning is