We develop,produce and supply a wide range of flooring material including Cushion vinyl flooring, Hard type vinyl flooring, and Slip prevention vinyl flooring for application to residence, shops, schools and hospitals.
" Ponleum"
- Cushion Vinyl flooring for residence
"Ponleum Pro"
- Hard type vinyl flooring for shops and offices
- Slip prevention vinyl flooring
We produce and supply a number of products to enrich life, such as
tablecloths to create nice atmosphere at table, shower curtain to provide relaxed feeling, and Do-it-yourself flooring products.
Shower curtain
Do-it-yourself flooring products
The wallpaper plays an important role in the space design. We create, develop, produce and supply the wallpaper designed in harmony with the interior fashion of residences and offices.
For example, the designs such as "simple modern", "natural" and "calm".