Starting a Student Organization
So, you’re thinking about starting a new student organization on campus? Great! There are more than 70 student organizations on campus, and their presence and contributions make our campus community a more vibrant and interesting place. Getting involved in a student organization is a great way for students with similar interests to pursue their passion and make friends along the way.
Benefits of registering
By registering with Student Activities and Leadership Development, organizations have access to a wide range of resources:
- A Hamline email address
- Free space reservations through Hamline's Conference and Event Management
- Recognition in the Student Organization Directory
- Participation in the Fall and Spring Student Organization Fairs
- Ability to seek out charter from Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress, which offers funding opportunities
- Access to Hamline University vans
Getting started
Any group of students may organize and request status as a registered Hamline University organization. All student organizations must be registered through Student Activities and Leadership Development. Once registered, student organizations can also apply to be chartered through the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress. More information on the chartering process is available below.
Registration process
- Submit a New Student Organization Request (Google Form)
- Meet with the Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development
Upon approval, the organization will be included in the Student Organization Directory.
Registration requirements
- Serve a unique function on campus; requests for redundant organizations may be denied
- Provide the names of at least three Hamline students that will serve as officers of the organization
- Identify and provide the name and contact information of a faculty or staff advisor
- Comply with all university policies
Every recognized student organization (chartered and non-chartered) at Hamline is required to have a faculty or staff member as an advisor. Advisors serve an important role, assisting with activities as well as with organizational development issues. As organization members come and go, the advisor serves as an anchor to the university community. They have knowledge of the organization’s past successes and challenges, as well as University policies and procedures. They help ensure the long-term continuity of the group as student leadership changes.
It is recommended that an advisor attend at least one organizational meeting a semester and help with the training of new officers. The advisor must be a Hamline faculty or staff member. If you are having difficulty in finding and advisor, contact Student Activities and Leadership Development at
Once you've registered with SALD, you may want to become chartered with HUSC. Becoming chartered allows student organizations to request funding from Student Activities. In addition to the general requirements of all student organizations, chartered organizations must comply with the following requirements:
- Have at least 10 members at all times.
- Establish a constitution which must be passed through HUSC's Political Affairs and Student Organizations Committees. HUSC's Student Organizations Chair will provide detailed constitution requirements to organizations requesting charters.
- Comply with Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress policies.
- Provide activities and/or services that are open and accessible for the entire campus.
- Have a clear and specific purpose.
- Send at least one representative to all Student Organization meetings hosted by the HUSC Student Organizations Committee Chair.
- A chartered organization cannot exist solely to support a political candidate. Political organizations cannot financially support any party, candidate, or political action committee with their budget. A detailed account of the chartering process can be found in the HUSC bylaws.
To pursue chartered status, see the HUSC website.
Revocation of a group's registered status can occur upon the continued irresponsible use of the benefits listed above or violation of University policies. No Hamline group may discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, sexual orientation, ability, color, or ethnic origin.
Contact information
Student Activities & Leadership Development