The Huber Principles

Only when our actions are in accord with our Principles, can we maintain the high standards we have set for ourselves as a Company.

The Huber Principles

The foundation upon which the J.M. Huber Corporation and
Huber Engineered Materials (HEM) is built is the Huber Principles.

These four Principles are the cultural pillar and guiding force behind how Huber Engineered Materials (HEM) conducts business around the world and the responsibility we have to protect the environment. HEM strongly believes that its reputation and integrity depend on adhering to these Principles. They address the same environmental, employee and safety concerns that drive our customers' guidelines.

As the scope of HEM’s operations increase and the organizational structure evolves, our Principles remain constant. By adhering to these Principles in every situation, HEM ensures that all employees in every corner of the world is doing business to the highest ethical standards.

To learn more about the Huber Principles, read below or Contact Us today.

EH&S Sustainability

Huber’s top priority is to be world-class in preventing employee injuries and in maintaining process safety. We have implemented an ongoing and effective Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) management and compliance system. Our employees strive for sustainability and continuous improvement in reducing our environmental footprint. Huber will be a good corporate citizen in communities where we operate around the world.


Ethical Behavior

The Huber culture encourages open communication and ensures that potential ethical concerns can be easily surfaced and properly resolved. Globally, we operate our businesses with the highest standard for compliance with laws, regulations and corporate policies. Huber employees conduct themselves with professionalism and ethical responsibility toward others.


Respect for People

Huber values employee diversity and superior teamwork. Employees receive honest feedback, recognition for their accomplishments and opportunities for individual learning and development. Huber creates a workplace where employees share our core values, show dignity and respect toward others and work hard to achieve their best performance.


Huber attains competitive advantages through customer focus and operational excellence. Customer intimacy and innovation drive successful new product development and commercialization. Our operations apply learning and best practices to excel at process engineering, product quality, productivity improvement, supply chain management and customer service.

Every day, there are countless Huber employees going about their work in a way that reflects well on the Huber Principles."

---Mike Marberry, President & CEO