Assisting people all day every day

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COVID and Natural Disasters

Our organisation is committed to helping people through natural disasters, times of crisis and COVID.

We are here to help!

We have over two decades of experience working with communities and customers to deliver industry leading contact and payment assistance programs during challenging times.

Whether it is COVID, bushfires, floods, drought or unemployment we are here to help.

We seek to gain an understanding of peoples needs during these times and communicate with our clients to achieve best outcomes for everyone. 

If you need help or would like to discuss our services please reach out. 
Want to pay by instalments? Please complete our Payment Arrangement Form
Payment Arrangement Form


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The NV Group is committed to helping customers facing financial hardship.

We will work with you to find a sustainable solution having regard to your individual circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
We recognise that sometimes situations may arise in your life that may affect your ability to pay for your products or services.

How we can assist you

We are able to provide you with a range of payment options to assist you.

To assess your application for Financial Hardship assistance and identify a suitable solution for you we may need to ask you some questions about your situation and financial circumstances. In some cases, for example, where financial hardship is long term, we may also require supporting documentation. If this is the case, we’ll let you know.

If you would like to contact us to discuss your situation and our Financial Hardship Policy please call us on 1300 799 179 or email us at

Payment options may include but are not limited to:

  • flexible payment arrangements over a period of time, so that you don’t have to pay the entire amount at once
  • our clients may consider a waiver of late payment and / or cancellation fees
  • a moratorium of payments
  • debt waiver

We will work with you and our client to find a sustainable solution to assist you.

Where can I get further assistance?

If you are facing financial difficulty, you may wish to obtain advice from a community financial counsellor. You can talk to a financial counsellor from anywhere in Australia by calling 1800 007 007 (Monday to Friday, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm). This number will automatically switch through to the service in the State or Territory closest to you, or you can visit the National Debt Helpline

You may also wish to seek assistance from community welfare organisations including The Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society, Anglicare and others. 
Please note each industry and organsiation has their own hardship policies that we adhere to. Please visit the website of your credit provider to view their Hardship Policy.  
What does hardship or payment difficulty mean?

Falling on times of financial difficulty can happen to anyone. There may be circumstances that make it harder for you to pay your bills. Whether it is a short-term setback or something that is ongoing, we understand that payment  difficulties can come in many ways. You might experience hardship because of factors like:

  • death in the family
  • personal or household illness
  • victim of family or domestic violence
  • unemployment
  • low or insufficient income, including reduced access to income
  • change in personal circumstances
  • unexpected events or unforeseen changes that impacted your income or expenditure, or
  • other reasonable causes

As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, our first thoughts are naturally with customers, partners, suppliers and our own employees that are all faced with challenging conditions.

With our staff now mostly working from home, we continue to try to keep up the same great service that defines Impact Financial Services. If there was ever a time for our community to stand together and support oneanother, it’s now. So if you have questions or would like to talkj to us about how we can help in these challenging times please get in touch. We’re still here, we’re still open for business and we have full capability.