Our Purpose

We Empower Influencers

To Amplify Their Impact

By Expressing Their Essence

Our Brand Promise

We Build Beautiful Influencer Sites

That Express Your Essence

And Amplify Your Influence

Our Crystal Clear 2020 Vision

Innovate, Inspire, Imagine

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

“Logic will get you from A to B; imagination will get you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein

Naked Truth: Radical Candor

“In our struggle for freedom, truth is the only weapon we possess.” - Dalai Lama

Forward Flow: Find it & Follow it

“Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force.” – Lao Tzu

Love More

“We can do no great things – only small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa

“All you need is love.” – The Beatles

Upward Spiral: Co-Evolution

“The truth is we’re one As a community choosing Our unity through
the evolution of love.” – ForWord

Express Your Essence

“Your greatest impact and influence comes from the fullest expression of your essence.”
Dmitriy Kozlov, Influex Chief Expression Officer

X-Factor: Invest your unique gifts to amplify impact

“Strive to provide 10x to 100x in value for any price you charge. Your rewards are always
proportional to the value you provide.” – Yanik Silver’s Maverick Rule #2

How This All Started...

From the laptop of CEO (Chief Expression Officer) Dmitriy Kozlov...

A couple years ago, I was running a creative design agency and we built a site for this super high level entrepreneur, and it was so successful that it caused me a problem.

Influencers would see it and ask, “Hey, can I get the “template” you used to build that amazing site?” The question annoyed the hell out of me!

We hadn’t used a template. We had busted our ass trying to live up to our client’s two greatest desires:
A site that melded Direct Response Marketing genius and insanely great design.
It was a bit like creating a site for a Steve Jobs, and it stretched us into our best work.

“A template?!?!”

But then, after I stopped being annoyed – which I laugh about today – I saw what was
going on. Most personal brand sites SUCK. Even for most “celebrities.”

I fell in love with the idea of reinventing what a personal brand site could be –
marketing savvy and artistically rich – to help a whole lot of leaders finally have an
amazing site that truly expresses who they are (while driving results).

We chose the name Influex because it combines the two functions
we know matter the most on a great personal brand;
Amplified Influence and Essence Expression.

Because your greatest INFLUENCE comes from your fullest EXPRESSION.

A couple of years and dozens of Influencer Sites later,
Influex was born with our Brand Promise:

We Build Beautiful Influencer Sites

That Express Your Essence

And Amplify Your Influence

Ready To Amplify Your Impact and Influence By Expressing Your Essence?

"Discover The 11 Secrets To Creating Your Own Powerful, Personal Brand Site..." -
