Highlighted Projects

Our projects integrate multiple technologies, allowing our clients to obtain from a single platform a peripheral vision of their business processes that impacts on the results of their operation and generates value to the company.

The requirements of each project are studied and evaluated by our experts to suggest ideas and appropriate scopes to a growth and maturation of each project, which also implies the adaptation and integration of the technology in the work areas and with this the resistance is minimized To the change.

Production line productivity

This project integrates the acquisition of data by multiple means, including the possibility to read them from the same PLC of the equipment, with this it is possible to visualize the production rate and compile it in a simple view with the production to be achieved per line / product / shift.

Additionally our technology serves as a display for multiple elements within the same system and these views replace the notice boards on the line.

The possibility of measuring the maintenance and stoppage times of the line was integrated for this module as well as generating an operational statistics that allows the integration of the defects. Another of the main features is that it generates staggered notices according to the level of attention and these are configurable from the system.

Being online allows being seen from any device with internet access.

Customer Online Information Dashboard

This project is born from the requirement to integrate the information generated in each client's site throughout the country, with which it is possible to view the information in a timely manner online and in a single view.

In the project we integrate several modules, integrating a management of logs, documents and data that allow the total integration of the information.

Shipmment Process Monitoring and Cash Flow Review

Process of control of shipments and monitoring through the integration of GPS and GPRS technologies for location and temperature of the elements.

This project allows to visualize the shipping processes and the timely tracking, as well as the integration of a database to exploit the routes and times of crossing, this implies a monitoring of the business process and the optimization of costs, as well as the company can increase its profits and contribute to the generation of value of the process oriented to the client.

An important feature to review the costs is to generate a cash flow for each shipment, with which you can verify the status of costs for each process.

HeadCount and Productivity Platform

As the companies grow or multiply their clients, the controls become more complex, in this project an online collaborative platform was developed to integrate the payroll of each remote location as well as the integration of productivity per shift in each of the geographically distant sites, with which it is possible to monitor the performance indicators in real time and build the required payroll scenarios at the end of the payment periods.

In this project, a document module was also integrated to integrate the information required by the clients and process it directly in the system, thereby reducing time and processes to deliver the information on time.