Langley Residential Support Services in Vienna has received a $10,000 donation from the McLean-based Narang Foundation.

The gift will support Langley Residential’s programs for adults with developmental disabilities: six homes in different Fairfax County communities that house two dozen individuals and drop-in services for another 30 individuals living in their own home or their family’s home in Northern Virginia.

The foundation was started in 2017 by the Narang family, with the purpose of aiding not-for-profits that provide essential community services, with a particular focus on Northern Virginia. 

“Langley Residential was created decades ago as a grassroots response to a true community need: helping parents worried about what would happen to their developmentally disabled adult children when they could no longer care for them. Since then, they have helped so many people, thus actively improving the community by providing a support system for those with disabilities. These are just the kind of community enhancement and life-changing activities our family wishes to support,” said RJ Narang, a small- business owner in McLean and board member of the foundation.  

Langley Residential was founded in 1983 by three churches in McLean. It is a 501c3 charity and is online at

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