2018 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 45-54
The purpose of this research was to clarify the holding circumstances of the first and third Jugend Austausch Japan–Deutschland (JAJD) and the actual situation of activities, and aimed to examine the factors that JAJD had on the establishment of the Japan Junior Sports Clubs Association (JJSCA).
The results of this study are summarized as follows.
1) JAJD aimed for exchange between Kenmin Shonen Dan (KSD) and Deutsche Sportjugend (DSJ) for the purpose of youth exchange between Japan and West Germany.
2) In the first JAJD, in August 1954, a delegation composed of representatives of KSD visited each region of West Germany for 20 days, and a youth sports competition and a gathering of leaders were held.
3) In the first JAJD, the delegation from Japan understood the activities of DSJ and recognized the difference between KSD and DSJ. And the consciousness to develop the activities of KSD was born in Japanese youth organization.
4) In July 1956, JAJD was held for the first time in Japan, and 12 representatives of DSJ conducted activities around each city.
5) Activities of DSJ were introduced to Japan through the Third JAJD.
6) Activities to establish JJSCA with reference to DSJ started in December 1958 by Oshima Kenkichi. He was the main promoter of JAJD and it was established on June 23, 1962 after deliberation by the Board of the Japan Amateur Sports Association.
7) JJSCA’s philosophy which was enacted after the establishment of JJSCA referenced DSJ’s philosophy.
Thus, in the process of establishing JJSCA, JAJD plays an important role and it was possible to create JJSCA because JAJD was implemented.