Tenant Representation | Office for lease | Warehouse for lease | Real estate San Diego — LDG Commercial Real Estate | San Diego Tenant Rep

Tenant Representation


There are two parties to every real estate transaction, landlord and tenant.  Tenant representation is where the tenant hires a representative to work and act in their best interest.  At LDG Commercial, our primary focus is on representing the tenant.

Why not hire the landlord’s broker to represent you, the tenant, as well? A Landlord’s broker is just that “the Landlord’s broker”.  Too often we hear of Tenants being told they could save money or get a better deal if they worked without their own representation.  While this may sound good on the surface, tenant’s need to keep in mind that the landlord has hired that broker to represent their best interests and maximize the value of the real estate.  If the broker’s fiduciary responsibility is to the landlord, then how can the landlord’s broker act in the tenant’s best interest as well?

At LDG Commercial, we work on behalf of the tenant and look out for the tenant’s best interest.  Our fiduciary responsibility is with the tenant, not the landlord.  We are tenant advocates acting in the tenant’s best interest.

We have many years of landlord representation experience which we believe greatly enhances our ability to negotiate transactions for tenants.


We are proud to showcase a partial list of transactions completed for clients of LDG Commercial Real Estate:


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