Tutorial Resources

Complimentary content for your self-paced learning

Introduction to Leximancer and Content Analysis

This training presentation gives an overview of how Leximancer works. It shows how Leximancer is essentially a content analysis system, for providing the analyst with a transparent model of a large amount of text.

First Leximancer Analysis

This training video shows you how to run a basic Leximancer project. It describes how to load data, run your first analysis with the default project settings, and interpret the basic results. It is highly recommended that new users and users new to Version 4.5 view this presentation.

This is a step-by-step guide to understand the essential concepts of Leximancer and create your first project.

Survey Analysis

This is a step-by-step guide to analysing survey, spreadsheet, and tabular data with Leximancer. This includes information on how to construct optional frames (compound concepts), and how to export a simple spreadsheet of the coded results.

Free Monthly Webinar

On the first Monday of every month, we offer a free webinar hosted by Dr Andrew Smith the inventor of Leximancer.

Leximancer User Guides


Leximancer Resources Kit

If you would like to revisit these resources in the future, we have put them all together for you in the resources kit.

Or you can simply save this page on your web browser.

Tutorial Videos

Follow our YouTube channel, Leximancer Insights, for more tutorial videos: