Structure and improve the values from relational sharing of living in community.

Having a common patrimony is already more than enough to unite a community. But getting to know the neighbors better will also improve the quality of life, satisfaction and residential well-being.


The agitated modern life does not facilitate the development of activities and processes to allow the rooting of affections. However, proximity is a factor to temporal maximization of enjoyables experiences, and here the condominium, as an instrument of organization for space, time, equipment and functionalities, can generate opportunities of collective happiness.


With Livingroop WEB platforms can boost these dynamics.


Livingroop offers a set of functionalities that allow, with little effort and much joy, to activate and develop dynamics that strengthen the sharing of satisfaction and residential well-being, such as the humanization of interpersonal relationships, the discovery of others and the construction of activities as bridges of collective belonging.

Examples such as the implementation of out-doors activities, rally-papers, monitored dance sessions, gymnastics, cycling, etc. are facilitated in Livingroop's interactive communication tools such as "Information Blog", "Special Blocks", "Direct communication chats", "Events"  allowing easy organizational management of these dynamics*.


*All these processes, among others, are self-managing functionalities made available by Livingroop WEB community management platforms.