7percent Ventures reposted this
We’re at a critical juncture for the space economy: cost of getting assets into space is falling, a return lane from space is opening, we’re seeing a restructuring of the old space economy in communications and observation, and we’re starting to see what the future of on-orbit-manufacture (from drugs to semiconductors) could look like. The new space economy has a whole host of operational needs - all of which require robotics and autonomy. Magdrive, Lúnasa Space, Orbit Fab, and Astroscale are among those that are offering the UK a real chance to lead in this sector - and in making space a sustainable domain for business - but only if we can align the interests of government, industry, and research. It was great fun chairing this panel at SPACEtalks (hosted by Cosmonauts and European Space Agency - ESA), and to hear the insights from Amin Chabi, Dr. Adam M. Baker, Andrew Faiola, and Tejaswi Tiruvuru.