HakiTaak Document Management System
HakiTaak DMS enables an organization to capture Documents, files, maps, drawings, e-mails, forms and faxes to save copies of the documents as images, word, Excel, and PDF to store those files in the repository for security and quick retrieval. HakiTaak Document Management System supports Microsoft Active Directory integration for user authentication and single sign-on support. HakiTaak DMS features a hierarchical storage management system, and a physical tracking system with extensive reporting.
Compliance requirements for certain documents can be quite complex depending on the type of documents. HakiTaak document management systems have a rights management module that allows an administrator to give access to documents based on type to only certain people or groups of people. Document marking at the time of printing or PDF-creation is an essential element to preclude alteration or unintended use.
Features of HakiTaak DMS
- Document Containers, Cabinets, Drawers and Folders
- Document Hierarchy and Indexing
- Unlimited Document Classification
- File and Document Profiling
- Document Categories and Grouping
- Documents linked to Projects and Task
- Document Description and Meta Keywords
- Advance Search by multiple criterias including Barcode
- Document Duplicate controller and Version Control
- Document Viewer & Content Viewer
- OCR Control and Content Reader
- Document Collaboration via Workspace Management
- Advanced Access Matrix for Documents and Users
- Document Handling with Document In & Out
- Excellent Personalized Dashboards
Director - Digital Transformation and Marketing | Strategic Business Consulting
7yFahumie Farook