2143-21320 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC  V6V 2X5
Phone:  (604)244-LUXE (5893)
Fax:  (604)244-5897
Toll Free:  1-877-288-LUXE (5893)

Hours:  Monday-Saturday  10:00-6:00

We are located on Westminster Hwy, approximately 3km East of the Richmond Auto Mall. 

Travel East on Westminster Hwy.  Once you pass 8 Road and Graybar Road, you will see the Goldwing Business Plaza on your right with Richmond Motorsports at the entrance.  Turn right into the entrance.  We are two doors away from AutoleaseBC.  You can't miss it!

You may also take the 91 Connector from Richmond or Vancouver.  Take Exit 13, towards Westminster Hwy, and yield right.  You will see the Goldwing Business Plaza on your left.

We look forward to meeting with you!


For any website problems or questions email webmaster@luxeautogroup.com