106 Miles is a network of startup founders, engineers, and friends.
Our mission is to educate and empower entrepreneurial engineers.
Our values are Reputation, Innovation, Solidarity, and Education.
This is our Silicon Valley group; see also our Southern California group.
Please join us if you're a founder or engineer (or friend!) and...
* You have worked at a startup,
* You want to work at a startup,
* You have started a company, and/or
* You want to start a company.
We meet a few times a month (second Wednesday of each month in Sunnyvale, 7-9pm, and the fourth Wednesday of each month in San Francisco, 6-9pm; and occasionally Southern California too) to...
* Socialize and learn from each other.
* Exchange ideas and information. Informally. Usually in a bar.
* Meet people at new startups.
* Meet people who want to work at startups.
106 Miles is symbolic of the journey entrepreneurs that take.
It's from The Blues Brothers:
Elwood: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
Jake: "Hit it."
Please follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and join us in person...