Purpose-Restricted Funds
NBA Mission & Ministry Grants are ‘purpose-restricted funds’ for two types of programs:
- “Educational Purposes for At-Risk Children and Youth” between the ages of 10-25 years.
- “Older Adult Ministries” serving those who are 50 years or older.
Due to the purpose-restriction of these funds, grant applications must clearly demonstrate their funding needs as being related to older adults or at-risk youth in order to be approved.
The NBA defines “Educational Purposes” as any formal or informal opportunity for learning that is presented as an intentional goal or outcome of the project. Examples of previously funded educational purposes include: tutoring programs; leadership development workshops; focused learning and discussion groups; mentorship programs. “Educational Purposes” do not include prerequisites to education, such as school supplies or hunger management initiatives unless clearly connected to a projected learning component as explained above.
The term purpose-restricted funds means that the donors who gave funds to the National Benevolent Association asked us to use their money in a specific way. Under U.S. law, If a donor restricts the use of their funds to a certain purpose, the nonprofit must honor that request. Because of these donor requests, NBA is obligated to provide Mission & Ministry grants to only projects that serve adults ages 50+ or youth and young adults aged 10-25.