You know what’s at stake.
Our enterprise clients don’t have the option of making a mistake. And we’re with them every step of the way.
We have more than 30 years of experience across a diverse set of industries. That experience leads us to put one thing at the center of security integration: the Duty of Care. Your enterprise has a legal responsibility to do its best to protect your premises and the people on it. We bring our clients the leading innovation and strategic thinking in the industry so that you can stay far ahead of this duty.
Protecting the headquarters of Fortune 100 companies
Deploying tailored security solutions across thousands of mission-critical energy assets
Building custom vision analytics
Caring for our essential senior living facilities
Enough of the Same Old News.
The security industry is circulating daily with the same-old perspective on the same-old topics. All the while the risks to our clients and prospective clients escalate every day. For security leaders at enterprise companies who want to be ahead of threats, our newsletter is a go-to resource.
Empowered Teams.
The farther you are from the people who solve the problem, the less likely it is to be solved.
Our teams are built on empowered trust. The person who designs your integration solution is the same person who will lead our on-the-ground teams to implement and maintain the project, on-time and on-budget. Our end-to-end customer enablement solutions are driven by the prioritization of the client relationship—from client, to account manager, to project implementation.
SAGE Commitment.
Committed to Each Other.
Members of the SAGE team aren’t just employees. They are energized and enabled collaborators whose only goal is to protect your people, facilities and reputation.
Committed to Integration.
It’s in our name. We are here for the deep and complex business challenges that quick fixes and set-it-and-forget-it contractors can’t handle. We understand what keeps you up at night and advance solutions for real challenges.
Committed to Resources.
We don’t work in a single industry and we don’t sell a single solution. We bring the resources of a national team to the scale of your individual solution to bring transformative results.
Committed to Partnership.
We act as a inside partner to your IT and security operations. Because we work with highly risk-conscious enterprises, we know you can’t afford to make a mistake, and we can’t either.