Products - Silverchair

Silverchair’s products serve scholarly and professional publishers across the research lifecycle, helping publishers be discoverable, make efficient decisions, and adapt with flexibility to the changing publishing ecosystem. Beginning with The Silverchair Platform, with best-in-class hosting for all your content types, Silverchair’s suite of products now includes Sensus Impact, a comprehensive suite of funder dashboards for funders to demonstrate their value, and ScholarOne Manuscripts & Conferences, which provides submission and workflow management, research integrity checks, and peer review for more than half the world’s scholarly output.

our products

the silverchair platform

The Silverchair Platform is the home for cutting-edge scholarly content, with support for all content types publishers need to diversify their publishing strategy.


The ScholarOne (Manuscripts & Conferences) submission systems are essential platforms used to review more than three million manuscripts and conference abstracts each year.

sensus impact

On the Sensus Impact funder dashboards, publishers can visualize the holistic value of their research, from usage stats and citations to attention metrics.

Client-Led Strategy

Silverchair’s product strategy is rooted in partnership. Whether publishers are using our extensive integration network and flexible tools, or engaging with our client community, they’re supported not just by leading publishing technology, but by a team of creative and passionate people who are committed to helping advance your mission.


“We wanted a robust platform and a company that was forward-thinking – that was important to us. We wanted to ensure that they were staying on top of what was coming in the publishing space, and that they were bring that to the platform for us instead of us having to always be developing it ourselves.” —Rebekah Stacha, Society of Petroleum Engineers
“Solving industry-wide challenges requires a collaborative, industry-led approach. By engaging in initiatives like Sensus Impact, both funders and publishers can enhance their ability to showcase and assess the impact of funded research. This increased transparency in academic publishing will help drive ambition for high-impact and influential research, which is fundamentally what we are all here to do.`` —Alison Denby, Oxford University Press
“The partnership with Silverchair has been really strong. Our ability to direct our own development is why we've been able to build tools in partnership. The ability for us to be able to target widgets on our sites and set up new sites at will, that's been extremely valuable.” —Paul Gee, VP of Digital Product Management and Development at JAMA Network
``Using ScholarOne Manuscripts reduces 70% of the burden of managing the journal. I've been telling people that, if you have a budget, you should go for ScholarOne.`` —Editor-in-Chief
``The Silverchair team really listens. I have made so many suggestions to them that they have actually incorporated into the platform, which is really helpful and nice to see.`` —Rob O'Donnell, Rockefeller University Press
ceo working at desk

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