Self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose: What could this mean in a bigger organization? Teal in Corporation workshop was organized by Teal Finland community and sponsored by Fortum. Find out more at
RCL Foods Transforms Culture through Lumina Learning by Nicole SorrellLumina Learning
26 slides•183 views
Does curiosity enhance opportunities for partnership? Nicole Sorrell examines this idea while exploring RCL Foods' Lumina Learning story.
Watch a video of Nicole giving this presentation:
Read our RCL Foods case study:
This document provides information about Large Scale Interventions (LSI) and describes Nokia's use of LSI in the form of World Cafes to renew its corporate values in 2008. Some key points:
- LSI is an approach for sustainable organizational change that actively involves all stakeholders through participation and collective learning.
- Nokia used World Cafes, which involved over 5,000 employees in local and global discussions, to update its values after a decade and adapt them to a growing and increasingly diverse workforce.
- The process was completed in under 60 days and engaged employees globally, but Nokia still failed to address external challenges and internal conflicts that later contributed to its decline.
Service design: why haven't we changed the world yet?ThePublicOffice
40 slides•38.4K views
This document discusses challenges in making lasting transformational change through service design projects in public services. It describes work done by ThePublicOffice with Essex County Council to rethink early years services as a case study. Three key challenges are identified: 1) Energy and ideas from projects often dissipate when projects end before changes are embedded in the system and culture. 2) Projects can be isolated, short-term, or at the edge of mainstream systems. 3) New approaches fail to take root against prevailing systems and cultures that squash new ideas. The document calls for addressing underlying system conditions to enable service design to drive sustained change through skills, methods, and supporting transformation of the wider system and culture.
Millennial Board is a global community of insightful young professionals. We help executives to challenge the unchallengeable to find pathways for new growth.
This document discusses the importance of organizational culture and change management. It describes Kotter's eight steps for successful change, including increasing urgency, building a guiding team, communicating vision, empowering employees and creating short-term wins. It then provides examples of how a company called REC Wafer Herøya implemented cultural change through Kotter's framework, such as understanding the business case and culture, empowering cross-functional teams, and establishing weekly goals and communications. The key takeaway is that cultural change must start with leadership and a systematic approach is needed to change elements of an organization's culture.
The 8th Dec event focussed on Wellcome Trust as a co-consulting case study and then Explored operating model design. We had some excellent conversations and practiced the application of operating model design to 2 different organisations.
The Public Sector Director and Executive Level Leadership ForumShari Borodkin
7 slides•189 views
This document provides information about a leadership forum event, including:
- Dates for a pre-summit workshop on September 12th, the two-day summit on September 13th and 14th, and a post-summit workshop on September 15th.
- Location is the National Convention Centre in Canberra.
- Overview of sessions at the pre-summit workshop on transformational leadership, strategic reform, and leadership effectiveness.
- List of featured speakers at the summit who will provide advice on senior leadership, strategic decision making, stakeholder engagement and more.
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This document summarizes a workplace redesign project at National Grid. The project aimed to increase collaboration, flexibility, and sustainability while reducing costs. Key results included:
- Increased floor utilization by 15% and decreased empty desk time by 24% through hoteling and activity-based workspaces.
- Improved collaboration, knowledge sharing, and employee perceptions of the work environment.
- Supported National Grid's brand and identity.
- Helped achieve a 15-18% reduction in the company's carbon footprint and more efficient use of existing buildings and space.
Scan agile 2019: Facilitating Change Through Helping Leaders GrowAntti Kirjavainen
44 slides•240 views
In the face of digitalization and amidst risk of being disrupted by new products, companies, and business models, many companies have woken up to the need for change in company culture, management and the way of operation.
Whether the goal is business agility, the culture of experimentation, or agile company culture, the key challenge is how to foster change in a large organization. The big question is: what investments to actions help make the change stick in the organization while still providing a return bigger than the investment.
One approach to this that I have been a part of at Agile Company Culture Accelerator at Yle, as well as other companies, is creating coaching curriculums to grow leaders and change agents to enact and catalyze the change itself.
Change in organizations spreads like innovations in the population: in a network. You can reach the early adopters with a small change agent team, but to spread the meme of change wider in the organization network, you need other tactics.
In coaching curriculums such as Yle’s Culture of New Work Leadership Coaching, we offer coaching for the hub persons in the organization network (not necessarily the ones in management positions) to grow as and into leaders and change agents. This way, we foster the change in the organization at an arm’s length. This way, different parts of the organization can tailor the change according to their own context and take responsibility for the change themselves.
In this talk, I will share my experiences in designing and carrying out these kinds of coaching curriculums for the leaders. I will also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this way of fostering change.
This talk is targeted at coaches, change agents and managers who want new ideas on how to foster change in their organization and for their customers. The audience will walk away with tips on how to, and how not to, organize a coaching curriculum for leaders, as well as an idea how and in what context it makes sense to consider this way of fostering change.
Making change happen at the sharp end.The role of GPs and the primary care ...NHS Improving Quality
62 slides•544 views
The contribution of GP leadership and wider primary care teams in improving local systems - resources and learning from NHS IQ's Transforming Care team. Speakers: Dr Tom Margham and Mani Dhesi.
Adopting Lean innovation thinking involves deliberately learning and practicing Lean innovation routines, methods and processes. Learn how organizations are doing this at the 2014 LPPDE Conference on September 23-24 in Raleigh/Durham, NC (
The document outlines plans to transform education in Warwickshire through investments totaling over $12 million between 2009 and 2011. The transformation is aimed at raising standards, promoting lifelong learning, developing flexible school units and leadership structures, improving technology infrastructure, and promoting inclusion. Key elements include developing extended school services, upgrading facilities, consulting with young people, and focusing on teaching and learning through leadership working groups.
Introduction to PLCs for SMDGs/ Circuit Managers in Free State, South AfricaStefaan Vande Walle
31 slides•1K views
PLCs are meetings of teachers where they collaborate to improve teaching and learning. Effective PLCs require mutual trust and a shared focus on student learning. They involve lesson study, analyzing student work, sharing research findings and developing teaching resources. PLCs benefit teachers through bridging theory and practice and addressing practical classroom issues. They develop over time from information exchange to knowledge construction as teachers' roles evolve from receiving support to facilitating PLCs.
The document outlines the agenda and purpose of the SCOD (Strategy, Change & Organisation Development) Forum on May 5th, 2010. The agenda includes discussions on the role of change agents, managing change from the perspective of line managers, and creating sustainable leadership. The purpose of the forum is to discuss challenges of change management, get new insights from outside the organization, and apply these lessons back on the job. Key questions from previous forums around vision, culture change, and measuring behavioral change will also be discussed.
Kanban India 2024 | Suvarna Kulkarni and Dhiren Shah | Decoding Continuous Im...LeanKanbanIndia
11 slides•21 views
This document explains the relationship between continuous improvement and performance management, using a framework known as the Performance Triangle to understand and implement effective strategies for business or organizational growth.
aera Opinion_india industry outlook2025 _ver 0.1.pdfvikash parakh
32 slides•31 views
Hi all,
Release of India Industry Outlook 2025 Report
We are pleased to announce the release of our highly yearly out look report, "India Industry Outlook 2025". This comprehensive report provides an in-depth analysis of the Indian economy and its various sectors, offering valuable insights into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that will shape the country's industrial landscape in 2025.
The report is based on extensive research and analysis of industry trends, market data, and expert opinions. It covers key sectors such as consumer, education,
digital payment , private invest, defence real-estate and more, providing a detailed overview of the current state of the industry and its prospects for growth.
Key highlights of the report include:
- An overview of the Indian growth prospects in 2025
- Analysis of key sectors, including manufacturing, infrastructure, , and consumer, education, digital payment , private investment, defence real-estate
- Insights into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that will shape the Indian industry in 2025
- Recommendations for businesses and stakeholders to capitalize on the growth opportunities in India
We believe that this report will be a valuable resource for businesses and stakeholders looking to understand the Indian industry and its growth prospects in 2025.
We hope you find the report informative and useful. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the report in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your interest in our report.
Best regards,
Team aera
68 slides•27 views
The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Including
Independence Standards) (“Code of Ethics” or “the Code”) sets out
fundamental principles of ethics for professional accountants
(hereinafter also called as “accountants”), reflecting the
profession‟s recognition of its public interest responsibility. These
principles establish the standard of behaviour expected of a
professional accountant.
Kanban India 2024 | Sreejith NT and Harshith Bhaskar | AI in Flow improvement...LeanKanbanIndia
This document describes how AI can optimize the flow of work within DevOps by automating task prioritization, predicting bottlenecks, and enhancing overall process efficiency. It focuses on integrating AI with Kanban principles to improve workflow management in DevOps environments.
9.00 - 9.30 Breakfast
9.30 - 9.40 Welcome! (Ville Lestinen, Ann Boije af Gennäs)
9.40 - 10.00 What is Teal? (Topi Jokinen)
10.00 - 10.20 Fortum MWB: Establish a Culture of Speed
and Agility - Why? (Ann Boije af Gennäs)
10.20 - 12.20 Group work (Samuli Savo & All)
10.20 - 10.30 Instructions
10.30 - 11.30 Group discussion
11.30 - 12.20 Findings
12.20 - 12.30 Closing words (Ville Lestinen)
3. From Control to
from Orange to Teal
in corporate,
or not?
MWB Establish a
Culture of Speed
and Agility
Teal Suomi
What is this?
4. 4
Fortum in brief
For a cleaner world
64% of power generation
- in EU 97%
Some 8,000 energy
Nordic and Baltic
countries, Russia,
Core competences in
hydro and nuclear
power, combined heat
and power production
and in operating on
energy markets, circular
Energy-related products
and expert services
1.3 million electricity
sales customers
Figures: 2015
9. > 2 BILLION €Cost savings for Netherlands since it’s founding in 2006
80 %Marketshare of home care in Netherlands
10 000 employeesWho work with no bosses
12. Fortum’s Must-Win- Battle
Establish a culture of Speed and
Espoo August 17, 2017
Ann Boije af Gennäs, Corporate Strategy
‘Teal in Corporate’ workshop
13. “The world is changing, energy
is changing. Our role is to make the
energy transformation sustainable,
with solutions optimal for different
markets and regions. This will help
us to stay competitive.”
CEO Pekka Lundmark
15. Our Change Journey started over a year ago…
• Spring 2016: New CEO, new corporate strategy and new organizational structure
• Spring 2016: Introduced our Change Management programmes (Customer, Speed and Agility,
Digitalisation, Volatility, Regulation).
• Each program has a programme Lead and an executive sponsor
§ Virtual teams were formed dependent
on who got engaged and who had the change ideas
§ Any person could get engaged quickly and come up with ideas
§ The MWBs act as catalysts around the organization and a framework for creating change
§ Act as role-models for working in a new more agile way
§ KPIs have been created for each MWB
16. Finding Speed and Agility in the organization…
We are driving a corporate cultural change!
Situation awareness leading to
timely high-quality decisions
Way of working – lean operating
model leading to fast and agile
Culture leading to highly engaged,
empowered and motivated people
Focus areas for establishing a culture of speed and agility
Clear link between agility and corporate performance!
17. Some Challenges when working with MWBs and Change…
How to get mid-management and Team-leaders to join the change
and to be role-models of change actions
How to communicate the Change and get maximum impact
Cultural change takes time…
How can Fortum
leverage on self-
managed teams?
Certain key areas?
Would it in turn be
easier to create
20. 7 groups (max 10 person each),
each has a facilitator from Team Suomi -community
10 mins instructions + moving into groups
60 mins group discussion about Teal
50 mins common session to collect findings
Location: 3 groups will stay in the auditorium
and 4 will work just outside the auditorium
Discussion focused on 3 key principles of Teal
1. Purpose
2. Wholeness
3. Self-Organization
Three questions:
A) What challenges an established corporate has in
bringing Teal principles into action?
B) What methods could make it easier? Any good
methods you have experienced personally?
C) How Fortum could progress their MWB further
leveraging Teal principles?
22. Teal Principles Challenges in corporate? What methods could help? Ideas to Fortum MWB?
1. Purpose
2. Wholeness
3. Self-Organization
24. We are a self-organising community whose
purpose is to promote Teal principles in Finland
And soon also launching a Co-Operative to
provide legal body and platform for the activity
#7: I am really grateful that Fortum was the first corporation to organize an event where we can talk about a more fulfilling way to run our organizations.
I think this fact tells a lot about Fortum as a corporation. For example the effectivity of power plants are measured by the ratio called availability factor. The better the availability factor, the less time the power plant is out of the game, so they can produce more electricity.
Fortum’s Power Plants availability factors are amongst the best of the world.
So clearly the people at Fortum are doing some things really right! And I would claim that this would not be possible without open mindedness of the people at Fortum to look at also maybe some unconventional ways to make things better.
And I am so excited that the people at Fortum are also interested in new ways of running an organization.
Some 2300 years ago, Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle proclaimed that women have fewer teeth than men. And this idea was accepted in the western world for almost 2000 years – until someone had the most revolutionary idea: Let’s count!
The scientific thinking of formulating and testing a hypothesis is so ingrained into our thinking today, that we find it hard to understand why smart people would just trust authority and not put these assumptions to the test – and just count the teeth.
But scientific thinking just wasn’t around until somewhere in the times of industrial revolution – from where our present thoughts of running organizations and management are inherited.
But what if our thinking too, is simplistic? What if future generations look at our way of operating as childish?
Buurtzorg story
Since 19th century, every neighborhood in the Netherlands had a neighbourhood nurse who would make home visits to care for the sick and the elderly.
In 1990s the health insurance system came up with a logical idea: why not group the nurses into larger organizations? -> Economies of scale
merging of organizations to get even better economies of scale
Tasks were specialized
Planners were hired to make the daily schedules and optimize routes for the nurses
call centers
regional managers and directors were hired
time norms were established: injections 10 minutes, bathing 15 minutes, changing of compression stocking 2,5 minutes
Basically everything makes sense, right? But what about the results?
Patients have lost the personal relationships with nurses: new nurse might come every day
hurried nurses often don’t have time to check the medical histories or listen to the patients needs
Nurse gives bandage, gives the shot and then is out the door
nurses found their job dissatisfying
patients were not happy at all
managers were also dissatisfied - supervising their direct reports, paying close attention to budget variances, double checking each request for resources
Founded 2006 by Jos de Blok, who had been a nurse for 10 years
Over 10 000 employees since
Home visits 35 % cheaper
2 billion euros cost savings for Netherlands
Over 70 % market share in Holland and growing
30 % less hospital visits
40 % less use of doctors time
Employees and customers love Buurtzorg (9,1 vs 7,3)
Every evening, each nurse now receives a sheet of paper with a detailed plan for the next day, prepared by someone in the planning department she most likely will never meet.
Time norms:
2,5 mins to change compression stocking
10 minutes for a shot
Nurses make their own schedules
Nurses start with having a coffee with the patient and listen to their needs
Many management layers
Hundreds of people working in headquarters
Managers make decisions and handle con
Self-managed teams of 10-12 nurses who make their own decisions regarding their work.
No bosses, nurses lead themselves
Only 30 people work in the headquarters!
Decision making and conflict handling processes
Purpose to be effective and to save tax payers money
Purpose to help people to be as autonomous as possible
Patiens are seen as symptoms to be released
Patients are seen and treated as a whole human beings
Root problems often not medical ones -> for example relationships with children