Royal Bag, manufacturers and importers of high quality poly bags, was founded with the needs of all types of consumers in mind. Our considerable inventory boasts a large selection of clear reclosable and resealable plastic bags, white block bags, food storage bags, trash liners / garbage bags, ziplock bags, food service bags and more.

Established in 1997, Royal Bag has become the premier source for poly bags for thousands of consumers worldwide. All of our bags are made of virgin polyethylene, meeting exceptionally high criteria.

In addition to our standard stock, we happily accommodate custom orders. Choose the size and print, and we will manufacture the bag according to your specifications.

As we are the manufacturer itself selling directly to the consumer, we are able to price our products competitively. We offer unbeatable prices, personable service and first class products; qualities that have earned us a loyal clientele who have become as much friends as customers over the years.

Our shipping process is quick and efficient. All weekday orders on in-stock items received before 3:00pm ET will be shipped out on that day. Shipping time for custom orders varies.

Customer satisfaction is our priority. We hope you find our site user-friendly and efficient.

4 convenient ways to order at Royal Bag:

  • Online: At - shop on-line, checkout with your credit card or Paypal account. We use a secure server connection at checkout so your credit card and personal info are encrypted while checking out.
  • Email:
  • Phone:  718.686.1120 - to reach a friendly and knowledgeable representative.
  • Fax: 718.686.1906
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