From web hosting services for small-business websites that need stability and High Performance to on-demand Dedicated Servers and corporate Public, Private & Hybrid Clouds, RAX delivers IT services from a Tier 4 Data Center in Bulgaria & one of the best networks in Southeast Europe.
Your data is hosted on a Fault-Tolerant Storage Area Network that features enterprise-grade built-in data protection.
Processing operations (CPU, RAM, etc) are separated from data storage in RAX Cloud. Clients get resources any time they need them.
Our IT Hosting services are reasonably priced, but still inexpensive with regard to our dedication, expertise & business honesty.
RAX is a VMware VSPP. We use the most advanced and reliable Cloud Computing & IT Hosting technologies available on the market.
When RAX takes responsibility manage your website and web hosting installations, you save time and money and increase your productivity.
When you sign up for a Managed Website service, you don't buy labor and work hours. You acquire expertise!
When we manage your websites and software installations the 100% theoretical uptime becomes reality.
We host your data on a Storage Area Network that has built-in protection and keeps the information safe, under any circumstances.
HA is not a standard service. It minimizes IT services outage, but more than 95% of the providers you'd find, don't support it. We do!
Take advantage of our Failover, 100% Uptime Cloud Servers. They never go down and give you business continuity.
We provide Web Hosting, Dedicated, and Cloud servers at any point of the world, wherever you need them.