MyDAF Frequently Asked Questions
For additional help, please ask below.
Your account now reflects the full subscription 2021 fees which were recently withdrawn on 4/1/21. This is reflected as a grant payment to Renaissance Charitable Foundation on your account. For more information, please see the “HOW ARE FEES PAID FROM MYDAF ACCOUNT?” below.
Funding My Account
How can I contribute to my fund?
Does the MyDAF platform have the ability to receive appreciated stock?
What is the minimum deposit to open an account?
What is the minimum deposit that I can make into my account?
Sending Funds to Charities
Can I donate to any charity that I want?
Can I make a grant to sponsor a charity event?
What personal information will charities get with my donation?
Can I still make my donation in someone's honor?
How long will it take for the charity to receive their donation?
What is the minimum donation I can make to a charity?
Is there a minimum amount that I need to donate each year?
Possible Other FAQs
Can I convert MyDAF account to the traditional DAF offering once the balance exceeds $5,000?
How are fees paid from MyDAF account?
How do I see my Fund Statement?
How do I access my tax receipts?
Can I make a distribution from a MyDAF fund to another MyDAF fund?
Can others contribute to my fund?
Can I schedule recurring donations to charities?
Can I schedule recurring contribution gifts to my fund?
Thank you for your participation in MyDAF, a program of the RCF Giving Fund. Please complete the form below to submit your inquiry to our team.