RCF Giving Fund (Landing Page) — FAQ


MyDAF Frequently Asked Questions

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Your account now reflects the full subscription 2021 fees which were recently withdrawn on 4/1/21. This is reflected as a grant payment to Renaissance Charitable Foundation on your account. For more information, please see the “HOW ARE FEES PAID FROM MYDAF ACCOUNT?” below.

Funding My Account

How can I contribute to my fund?

Funding is simple and secure with your MyDAF account. You can add single or recurring contributions using your credit or debit card or directly from your bank account via ACH.

Does the MyDAF platform have the ability to receive appreciated stock?

MyDAF will only allow for cash contributions. You can add a single or recurring contribution using your credit or debit card or directly from your bank account via ACH.

What is the minimum deposit to open an account?

The minimum is $50! Compared to traditional Donor Advised Funds, where the minimum is $5,000, this is an amazing and accessible new way to manage your giving!

What is the minimum deposit that I can make into my account?

The minimum contribution is $50. You can make one-time deposits into your account, and you can make recurring monthly deposits.


Sending Funds to Charities

Can I donate to any charity that I want?

You can send money from your account to any approved 501(c)(3) charity located in the USA, as well as to any public school or public school district. You may see some organizations as not eligible to receive grants. This can be because they are not in good standing with the IRS or they are not eligible to receive grants from a DAF. If you have questions, or wish to make a grant to a faith-based organization that is not listed in the search, please contact us at rcfgivingfund@reninc.com for assistance.

Can I make a grant to sponsor a charity event?

All donations sent through your MyDAF account must be 100% charitable and no goods or services can be exchanged. It is best to work with the charity to understand if your gift is fully deductible. Can I specify a project or use of funds for my grant? Yes, using the Purpose field, you can specify a project, cause, or fund.

What personal information will charities get with my donation?

You can choose whether your grant is anonymous or whether the charity receives your contact information including your name, address, and email. This is chosen on the last screen before finalizing your grant and can also be changed in your Settings.

Can I still make my donation in someone's honor?

Yes, you can use the 'Purpose' field to make the donation in honor of a loved one.

How long will it take for the charity to receive their donation?

Donations are processed on a weekly basis. The amount of time that it takes for the charity to receive and process the donation can vary depending on their processes. Sometimes it is as quick as a few days later, other times, it can take a few weeks.

What is the minimum donation I can make to a charity?

The current minimum donation to a charity is $5.

Is there a minimum amount that I need to donate each year?

No, there is no minimum annual amount that must be donated to charities. We encourage all account holders to actively manage and use their account to meet their charitable goals.


Possible Other FAQs

Can I convert MyDAF account to the traditional DAF offering once the balance exceeds $5,000?

Absolutely! Transfers from your MyDAF account to a traditional DAF account will be processed as a grant to Renaissance Charitable Foundation (RCF). Please note in the purpose that the funds are to be used to establish a traditional DAF account.

How are fees paid from MyDAF account?

Fees are withdrawn from your account on a quarterly basis at the beginning of each quarter. Please note that the fee will be reflected as a donation to Renaissance Charitable Foundation, the sponsoring charity of the MyDAF program, and you will receive an email notification of a grant paid each time the fee has been withdrawn.

How do I see my Fund Statement?

This feature is not currently available. All transactions will show in the My Activity Feed.

How do I access my tax receipts?

A tax acknowledgment is generated each time you make a contribution/deposit into your account. All of your tax acknowledgments are available in your Documents and at the end of the year they will all be aggregated into one file for you.

Can I make a distribution from a MyDAF fund to another MyDAF fund?

This feature is not currently available.

Can others contribute to my fund?

This feature is not currently available.

Can I schedule recurring donations to charities?

Each donation/grant can be specified as one-time or monthly. You can see all of your current recurring donations in your Settings and can cancel from there.

Can I schedule recurring contribution gifts to my fund?

This can be set up right under the Available Giving Funds box. Once set up, the same box can be used for editing or canceling a recurring contribution.


Thank you for your participation in MyDAF, a program of the RCF Giving Fund. Please complete the form below to submit your inquiry to our team.

Thank you for your participation in MyDAF, a program of the RCF Giving Fund. Please complete the form below to submit your inquiry to our team.