Dear Reader,
As you make your year-end charitable giving, please consider supporting trustworthy, independent journalism. RealClear Media is a unique news enterprise. Nowhere else in the field will you find such genuine diversity of thought, every day.
Beyond our curated content, we produce in-depth investigative journalism that serves the public good. This is where reader support is most essential.
The Internet has transformed the media landscape. While it’s allowed for many new voices to enter the national conversation, advertising rates have plunged, making serious reporting hard to sustain. Tweets come cheap. Deep-dive investigations that expose corruption and clarify important policy choices do not.
With your tax-deductible donation to RealClear Media Fund (a 501c3 nonprofit), you are enabling serious original reporting on pressing issues. RealClearInvestigations (RCI), now in its seventh year, has built a team of truth hunters who focus on areas that much of the legacy press ignores: immigration and the border crisis, energy and climate policy, corruption in the federal bureaucracy, the “woke” cultural revolution convulsing society, government policies in responses to the Covid pandemic, and the causes and effects of the tragic rise of opioid addiction. And we have launched a new reporting initiative detailing the state of Religious Freedom Around the World.
At RealClearPolitics, these investigations reach decision-makers inside the Beltway and beyond. But distribution does not end there. Our syndication service, RealClearWire, makes all RCI reports and other select RealClear Media content available for republication by other news outlets. Since the launch of our news service two years ago, hundreds of outlets across the country (and the globe!) have republished RealClear articles thousands of times—our gift back to the Fourth Estate and a contribution to a more informed public discourse.
As the publisher, I often like to brag about our readers. You come from all over the country and from across the political spectrum. You want a smarter public conversation—one that allows for competing arguments. You recognize that our democracy depends on reliable information reaching the public.
To carry out our unique role in the media, we need the support of those who understand and value our mission. This December, please consider making a tax-deductible donation.
I wish you and yours a happy holiday season.
David DesRosiers