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Parameters to Analyse While Setting-up a Digital English Language Laboratory

English language laboratories are growing in popularity as aid to language teaching. These audio or audio-visual tools assist teachers in enhancing communication skills of learners. The importance of English language labs is already being realized; with many schools and other institutes using them with satisfactory outcomes, and others on a look out for ‘good’ English language labs.

A number of parameters affect the setting-up of a digital language lab. These have to be analysed before a language lab is established. The factors that need to be looked into are: relevant and effective content software, hardware requirement, space and human resource needed, after-sales support and the overall cost that may have to be borne to procure all this.

Hardware and infrastructure acquisition is probably the most expensive component of establishing a digital language lab. This cost factor can be reduced to a large extent by using the existing computer lab of the institution to double up as a language lab. On the other hand, if a new lab has to be set-up, the use of thin instead of thick client environment brings down the cost substantially. The use of such an environment proves 40-50% cheaper than the use of regular computers.  Certain English language labs are compatible with computers using thin/zero clients. Some English language labs can run on both Microsoft and Linux O.S.

Linux O.S being free, allows for cost benefits when used even on regular computers. Words Worth English language lab is compatible with both thin and thick clients and can run on Linux as well as Microsoft O.S. With technology being the platform of content delivery in digital language labs, a strong after sales technical support is an important factor that should be validated to be available as a package. This should be available to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted delivery of the course.

Undoubtedly, the content and teaching methodology used in a language lab is its most important criteria. Blended method of delivery works best for the Indian language learning needs. English is learnt as a second language here. In this environment, a good English language lab should provide for a  teaching methodology, wherein the importance of a teacher’s role in making teaching-learning experience effective is recognised. Language as a skill can be taught most effectively using the blended methodology.  This methodology makes a judicious combination of teacher- led sessions and computer-based sessions for teaching and then practising English concepts.

With the onus of the effective delivery of the content lying with the teacher, support material in form of trainer manual and other guidelines should be available to the teacher. These should be available with the teacher to enable her to effectively and efficiently facilitate the learning process.

All in all, an ideal ESL content software provides for ample teaching material to be used in the classrooms by the teacher, for teaching language concepts by demonstrating and conducting interactive sessions. This should be then followed by the learners practising on their own individually during the computer-based session, using a software designed to internalize the taught objectives. This should ideally be held in a self paced environment.

Language is not learnt in a short period of time. An English language lab should thus be graded. It takes years of learning and assimilation of new language concepts to attain a reasonable degree of proficiency in a language.  A lab providing graded and structured course material spanning over a number of school years, only can be expected to meet this objective. Vocabulary, relevant expressions and theme based interactive lessons should be integrated through an ideal ESL course. Grammar and comprehension blend well in the course to provide comprehensive programme for the learners. A digital alanguauge lab can be deeemed to be ideal if it caters to the parameters defined by CEFR. Incidentally, CBSE has recently tied up with Trinity College, London which also follows the guidelines of CEFR in language teaching and testing. The ASL Project to test speaking and listening skills of the learners in classes IX and XI of CBSE schools, expects the learners to be respectively at B1 and B2 levels in these classes. These proficiency levels are based on descriptors of language use, set by CEFR. While identifying an English language lab, the promise of this ASL feature complete with comprehensive teaching and practice material for listening and speaking skills, should be assured.